Rave List Owners
Open CSV file list most recently updated for RAVE. You will need to work from that list to confirm you’re reviewing the current list in Rave and not missing any changes required
Add or remove member emails from the list as needed. Be mindful of email address that may change due to name changes and update accordingly.
Save the File (Save anywhere preferred, this new version will be needed for next update request).
Close the File.
To: needs to remain exactly: teamdynamix-IT@ithaca.edu
Subject: needs to remain exactly: "Rave List Membership Update Request"
Body: Please update 1) & 2) with appropriate list information. If updating multiple lists, please provide answers to both per list (Example email template at the end of documentation).
Attach File(s)
Click Send
You will receive an email indicating a ticket has been submitted. Communication of update completion and/or any issues with the file will be sent via email regarding this ticket. If there is a request for a change to the file please respond to the original ticket email with an updated file, no need to submit a new request via the above steps.