Journeys in IC HR Cloud

Employee success is a journey unto itself. Journeys drives success by delivering personalized guidance to support employees through professional and personal workflows, such as onboarding, exploring career opportunities, transferring to a new role, starting a new project, getting married, or having a baby, all with one user experience, powered by one system of record—Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.


This article is intended for faculty, staff and student employees who use Journeys to complete Onboarding tasks or to complete other workflow tasks.


Section 1: Accessing Journeys & What They Are

Section 2: Using Journeys as an Employee

Section 3: Using Journeys as a Manager

Section 4: Explore Journeys Index

Accessing Journeys & What They Are

During your work-life at Ithaca College, you may be assigned "Journeys" to complete. Human Resources uses Journeys to guide employees through various processes, such as: updating your name and gender, applying for a credit card, making benefits changes, and completing performance tasks. Human Resources will continue to create and update Journeys and will update the index below as new Journeys become available to employees and managers.

Access the Journeys App as an Employee:
  • Access the Finance and HR Cloud via Apps.Ithaca.Edu, and log in, using your Netpass credentials.
  • Go to the Me tab, and select the Journeys app.
Access the Journeys App as a Manager:
  • Access the Finance and HR Cloud via Apps.Ithaca.Edu, and log in, using your Netpass credentials.
  • Go to the My Team tab, and select the Journeys app.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Figure 1: Journeys App icon in IC HR Cloud.

Using Journeys as an Employee

Explore & Sign Up for Journeys

Explore allows you to access all public Journeys and to sign up for them. You can find journeys in two (2) ways:

  • Find Journeys by using the search bar (see #1 on Figure 2 below). Names of Journeys you can search for are listed in the Journeys index at the end of this article.
  • Find Journeys by clicking through the categories in the Journeys app (see Figure 2), or by referencing the Explore Journeys Index at the end of this article.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Figure 2. Search for Journeys in Explore

  • Sign up for Journeys you'd like to complete by selecting the Journey name (figure 3).

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Figure 3. Search for Journeys in Explore

  • Select Add to My Journeys. 
Access Journeys Assigned to You

Whether you Explore and sign up for a Journey, or your manager has assigned you a Journey, you can access all Journeys assigned to you by going to the My Journeys tab. 

  • Select the Journey you would like to complete, and begin completing tasks. Some tasks may not be available until previous tasks have been completed. 
  • You may also receive email notifications/reminders once you sign up for Journeys.

You can also complete individual Journey tasks by going to the My Tasks tab, where you will see all outstanding Journey tasks for any Journeys currently assigned to you.


Using Journeys as a Manager

Line managers have additional access in Journeys via the My Team tab and can assign Journeys to their direct reports for completion.

Assign Journeys to Your Direct Reports

Follow the same steps as outlined above in Explore however, instead of selecting Actions > Add to My Journeys, select Assign Journey.

  1. Select the date you'd like this Journey to be issued to your direct report.
  2. Type any comments you'd like your direct report to see (for example, why they're receiving the Journey)
  3. Select the name of the direct report this Journey should be assigned to. You may need to type the full name of the employee for the name to display. Any active faculty, staff and student employees with access to IC HR Cloud will have access to complete Journeys. Employees on leave will not have access to Journeys.
Review Journey Assignments & Track Completion
  • You can see any Journeys that you've assigned to your direct reports by going to the Assigned Journeys tab. You can also unassign Journeys from this tab.
  • You can track completion of any Journeys that you've assigned to your direct reports by going to the Activity tab to see any Journeys in a status of pending, error, or completed. 


Explore Journeys Index

Journey Name Category Description Who is this Journey available to?
IC Credit Card Application Person This Journey can be used to apply for a P-Card or T-Card for expense reimbursement. All Employees with access to Expenses
Lived Name and Gender Update Person This Journey can be used by Faculty and Staff to update legal & lived name, gender and other personal information. Students should contact the Registrar's office to update this information in the student system. Faculty and Staff
Review/Update Emergency Contact and Personal Information Person Review and update your demographic information, personal information, contact information, and emergency contacts All Employees & Student Employees
Student Employment Recruitment Planning Recruiting Recruitment planning modules for managers of student employees to prepare for next semester recruitment. Student Employee Managers
Student Supervisors: Form I-9 Training and Compliance On Boarding Information for student supervisors to understand the Form I-9 process. Student Employee Managers
Student Supervisors: Manager Training On Boarding Information for student supervisors about all policies/processes pertaining to the management of student employees. Student Employee Managers
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Article ID: 1423
Thu 4/20/23 11:04 AM
Thu 4/20/23 11:50 AM