Application Integration Considerations

This article explains considerations regarding the integration of a third-party application with various platforms, including but not limited to Canvas, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.

  1. Security and Compliance 

  • Microsoft 365 Certified: Apps that have Microsoft 365 Certification are already approved and available 

  • Publisher Verification: Check if the app developer is verified by Microsoft, and look for applications that have undergone publisher attestation, indicating they meet Microsoft standards 

  • Terms and Conditions: Ensure the app’s terms and conditions include details about security measures and compliance with relevant regulations (e.g. GDPR) 

  1. Data Handling and Privacy 

  • Data Security: Evaluate how the app handles and secures data, including encryption practices 

  • Data Retention: Understand how data is stored 

  • Privacy Policies: Review how user data is collected, used, and shared, and how access is controlled 

  1. Permissions and Integration

  • Permissions Requested: Ensure the app only requests necessary permissions and permissions it requires are clearly outlined 

  • Integration Capabilities: Assess how the app integrates with other services such as Microsoft 365

  1. Functionality and Usability

  • Alternate App: Assess conflict or duplication of service with already approved apps or services 

  • Community Benefit: Identify clear and compelling use case and benefit for the Ithaca College community 

  • User Experience: Consider user interface and overall experience including acceptable use and any limitations on the app’s functionality 

  1. Support and Maintenance

  • Developer Support: Evaluate the level of support provided by the app developer, including documentation, and update frequency 

  • Community Feedback: Evaluate community feedback to gauge the app’s reliability and performance 

To request a third-party application integration visit Request for Application Integration. The Information Technology and Analytics team will review and evaluate the application using the criteria above as a framework.