Reporting in Budgeting Cloud


Users with access to Budgeting Cloud can export their budget information to Excel for reporting purposes. This guide contains instructions on exporting information from Budgeting Cloud.




Users with access to Budgeting Cloud can export their budget information to Excel for reporting purposes. This guide contains instructions on exporting information from Budgeting Cloud.




This article is intended for employees designated as Budget Submitters for their respective areas.




Budgeting Cloud




  • Overview
  • Exporting from Budget Entry Forms
  • Budget Summary Report
  • Budget Draft Comparison





The procedures below are used to export budget data after you have entered it in Budgeting Cloud. If you have not already, please see the guide on Budget Entry in Budgeting Cloud for instructions on signing in and completing your budget information.




Exporting from Budget Entry Forms

This is the recommended method of exporting, as the resulting spreadsheet contains the same information seen on the 01 and 02 Fund budget entry forms.


To export a budget entry form to a spreadsheet:


1. From the Budgeting Cloud home screen, click the Ithaca tile near the top of the screen, then click the 01 Fund - NSOP, 01 Fund - Student Wages, 01 Fund - Revenue, or 02 Fund - All Subcodes tile to open the budget entry form.

2. Click the (Gear) icon in the top right corner of the screen, then click Clear Page Selections.

3. Click the (Pencil) icon in the top right corner of the screen and select the values for Fund, Function, Entity (Department), and Project for the sheet you would like to export.

4. In the top right corner of the screen, click the Actions button, then click Spreadsheet Export in the dropdown menu. Click Export in the window that appears and save or open the spreadsheet file as prompted.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Fig. 1.1 Budget entry form for 01 Funds - Pencil and Gear icons located in top right corner of screen


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Fig. 1.2 Example Spreadsheet - Data shown in spreadsheet is the same as the budget entry form




Budget Summary Report

The Budget Summary Report is used to show a high level summary of your budget entries for multiple departments, projects, and usercodes. It only shows dollar amount totals and does not contain any of the descriptions entered in the Comments column.


To run the Budget Summary Report:


1. If you have not already done so, turn off the pop-up blocker in your browser.

2. From the Budgeting Cloud home screen, click the Ithaca tile near the top of the screen, then click the Budget Summary Report tile.

3. A pop-up window should appear automatically. In the window that appears, type values for Department, Function, Usercode, and Project as follows:

- Department

- D_### separated by commas and no spaces to choose specific values (to view Departments 100, 101, and 102, type D_100,D_101,D_102)

- Function

- ## separated by commas and no spaces to choose specific values (to view Function 04, 05, and 09, type 04,05,09)

- Usercode

- U_#### separated by commas and no spaces to choose specific values (to view Usercodes 0001, 0002, and 0003, type U_0001,U_0002,U_0003)

- Project

- ##### separated by commas and no spaces to choose specific values (to view Projects 20000, 20001, and 20002, type 20000,20001,20002)




4. Click the OK button to run the report. Follow prompts to save or open the Excel file. The workbook may have more than one sheet - click the tabs at the bottom of the Excel window for different views. Row 5 of each sheet will indicate what information it contains.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Fig. 2 Example Report - Tabs at bottom switch to different views, rows separated by Subcode, columns show Actuals data and compare Budget data between budget draft and current fiscal year




Budget Draft Comparison

The Budget Draft Comparison Report is used for comparing the current budget draft to prior drafts that have been exported by the Budget team for review and approval.


To run the Budget Draft Comparison Report:


1. From the Budgeting Cloud home screen, click the Ithaca tile near the top of the screen, then click the Budget Draft Comparison tile.

2. Click the (Gear) icon in the top right corner of the screen, then click Clear Page Selections.

3. Click the (Pencil) icon in the top right corner of the screen and select the values for Fund, Function, Entity (Department), and Project for the accounts you would like to include in the report. Click Apply.

4. Data will populate at the bottom of the screen. If you want to export to an Excel spreadsheet, click the Actions button in the top right corner of the screen, then click Spreadsheet Export in the dropdown menu. Click Export in the window that appears and save or open the spreadsheet file as prompted.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Fig 3 Example Report - Rows separated by Subcode and Usercode, columns show dollar amounts from different budget drafts with comments on the right



Article ID: 1231
Thu 1/6/22 10:32 AM
Tue 1/16/24 9:41 AM