

Chargebacks are used to move transactions between accounts in different departments. This article contains guidelines and helpful information for employees requesting services from other departments, and for Finance Cloud users completing chargeback entries.



Chargebacks are used to move transactions between accounts in different departments. This article contains guidelines and helpful information for employees requesting services from other departments, and for Finance Cloud users completing chargeback entries.




This article is intended for all faculty and staff, particularly those requesting services from other departments and those entering chargebacks.



IC Finance Cloud



  • Information for Employees Requesting Services
  • Requirements When Entering Chargeback Journals


Information for Employees Requesting Services

Chargebacks are a type of journal entry in Finance Cloud that is used to move transactions between accounts in different departments. They are often used when one department is provided services by another, most commonly Facilities, IT, and Auxiliary Services.

When requesting services, it is important that the following steps be taken to ensure that the chargeback can be completed:

If the account being charged does not have sufficient funds, it is recommended that you contact the budget manager or coordinator in your area to initiate a budget transfer.

Click here for more information on account numbers in the General Ledger



List of Services/Subcodes

Below is a list of commonly requested services and the associated expense subcodes, along with the funds-checking group that each subcode belongs to. If you are using a subcode that is not listed here, it is recommended that you contact the budget manager or coordinator in your area to make sure that it is the correct code.


Auxiliary Services

Service Subcode Funds Checking Category
Postage 7350 715T - Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
Printing 7361 715T - Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
Catering 7494 755T - Other Expenses
Catering 7492 755T - Other Expenses
AV Services 7528 755T - Other Expenses
Meal Passes 7752 755T - Other Expenses


Information Technology

Service Subcode   Funds Checking Category
Repair and Maintenance of Tech, Computer Repairs 7619 715T - Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
Technology Upgrades (beyond standard tech renewal specs) 7302 715T - Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
Hosted Software Applications and Licenses 7656 740T - Outside Services
Non-Hosted Software Applications and Licenses 7657 740T - Outside Services



Service Subcode Funds Checking Category
Fuel Purchases 7336 715T - Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
Key Requests (office door keys, etc.) 7335 715T - Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
Repair and Maintenance of Vehicles 7615 715T - Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
Confidential/Shred Bins 7529 755T - Other Expenses
Car Rentals, EZ Pass 7421 750T - Travel
Repair and Maintenance of Buildings 7611 715T - Materials, Equipment, and Supplies
Repair and Maintenance of Equipment 7613 715T - Materials, Equipment, and Supplies

Click here for a more complete listing of funds checking groups and their subcodes


Requirements When Entering Chargeback Journals

  • Only users with access to create journal entries can complete chargebacks
  • For most chargebacks, users will credit their own department’s chargeback (9000-range) subcode and debit another department’s expense (7000-range) subcode
  • Chargeback journal entries (those containing 9000-range subcodes) should be entered separately from non-chargeback journals





Article ID: 1284
Tue 4/19/22 11:31 AM
Tue 4/26/22 3:39 PM