Accidental Death & Dismemberment



AD&D insurance benefits are paid in addition to any life insurance you may have. It pays benefits if you die as a result of a covered accident, such as a traffic accident or fall – not natural causes. It also pays partial benefits if you lose your vision, hearing, speech, or a bodily appendage (fingers, limb, etc.) in a covered accident. A benefit may also be payable for conditions such as coma, paralysis or total disability if due to a covered accident. Limitations and exclusions apply.

Basic AD&D Insurance

The College provides each benefits-eligible employee with $50,000 of AD&D insurance. If you are age 65 or older, special provisions apply. Coverage amounts are reduced by 35% at age 65; 60% at age 70; and 75% at age 75.

Employee Voluntary AD&D Coverage

You may purchase additional, voluntary AD&D insurance in increments of $20,000. The maximum amount of coverage you may purchase is $300,000. If you are age 65 or older, special provisions apply. Coverage amounts are reduced by 35% at age 65; 60% at age 70; and 75% at age 75.

Dependent Voluntary AD&D Coverage

You may also choose voluntary AD&D insurance for your spouse/grandfathered qualified domestic partner and/or dependent child(ren) in the following amounts:

  • Spouse/GFQDP covered at 50% of the amount you select for yourself if you do not cover any children
  • Spouse/GFQDP covered at 40% of the amount you select for yourself if you have children whom you cover
  • Child(ren) covered at 15% of the amount you select for yourself if you do not cover a spouse/GFQDP
  • Child(ren) covered at 10% of the amount you select for yourself if you have a spouse/GFQDP whom you cover

You may not elect coverage for your spouse/GFQDP if your spouse is already covered as an employee under this policy. AD&D insurance is paid for with after-tax dollars.



Article ID: 1527
Thu 10/19/23 4:50 PM
Thu 10/19/23 4:50 PM