LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning, the new, provides access to over 10,000 business, technology and creative skills development video courses designed for in-depth instruction and just-in-time microlearning. This article provides an overview and how to login on multiple devices for Ithaca College members.


LinkedIn Learning offers access to over 10,000 business, technology, and creative skills development courses designed for in-depth instruction and just-in-time microlearning.

LinkedIn Learning has many features and benefits, including:

  • Shareable and assignable course playlists to support individualized learning
  • Detailed reporting at the user, group, and course levels
  • Searchable course transcripts for immediate answers
  • Bookmarks for favorite sections and easy reference
  • Downloadable exercise files that reinforce retention
  • Certificates of Completion


This article is intended for students, faculty, and staff.


From a Computer

There are two ways to access LinkedIn Learning with content on from your computer:

  1. Navigate to  in a browser 
  2. Click LinkedIn Learning below the grid in the list.
  3. If prompted, enter your Netpass username and password.
  4. NOTE: You do need to have a LinkedIn profile, which is free, to access LinkedIn Learning.
  5. After entering your Netpass credentials, enter your LinkedIn email and password


  1. Navigate to  in a browser and click Log In.
  2. Click Sign In With Your Organizational Portal.
  3. Enter your Ithaca College email into the textbox.
  4. If prompted, enter your Netpass username and password.
  5. Next you will be prompted to enter your LinkedIn email and password

From a Mobile Device

  1. Download the LinkedIn Learning application from the Apple iOS App Store or the Google Android Play Store .
  2. Once downloaded, Click the LinkedIn Learning application to open it.
  3. NOTE: You do need to have a LinkedIn profile, which is free, to access LinkedIn Learning.
  4. Click Sign in with your organization portal.
  5. Enter into the Organization Portal textbox.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Enter your Netpass username and password.
  8. Enter your LinkedIn email and password. 
  9. Click Sign in. You may now enjoy the premium LinkedIn Learning content.

Groups and Assignments

Groups can be created and used to assign courses and track the progress of specific individuals. This might be useful to managers and directors that want to help build the skills of their staff. Perhaps a faculty member would like to assign LinkedIn Learning videos or courses to their students as part of their coursework for the semester; groups make this possible. Groups are maintained by the individual that requests the group. To request a group, please contact the Service Desk.



Article ID: 157
Wed 9/20/17 9:42 AM
Fri 9/3/21 5:39 PM