Leave of Absense or Withdrawal Process for Reviewers


Leave of Absence or Withdrawal Process in Slate 


Purpose of Document 

This document will provide guidance on using the new LOA/W (Leave of Absence or Withdrawal) process implemented within Slate. 

Target Audience 

Campus partners: Student Success, Registrar, Residential Life, Deans, HSHP (Health Sciences and Human Performance) Chairs, International Programs and Student Financial Services departments. 

High Level view of the Process 

A student or staff member will start an application to request an LOA/W through a Slate form. The student's application will be reviewed by the Student Success Team and/or CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) for approval or denial and submitted for further rounds of review via Slate reader bins. Once all reviewers have completed their review process, the student will be notified of the decision. 

Overview of the Process 

Explanation of the LOA/W Process in Slate 

There are three Slate forms for the LOA/W request:  

  • LOA/W Initiation: Student - This is provided to the student to start a new LOA/W application. 

  • LOA/W Initiation: Administrative - This is provided to staff to start a new LOA/W application. 

  • LOA/W Administrative Review Form - This is provided to staff to complete the student or staff-initiated LOA/W application. 


Once the Administrative Review Form is completed, the request moves into the Registrar Student Workflows within the LOA/W Approval Process bins for reader review from all intended parties: Registrar, ResLife, SFS, CAPS, International, Deans, HSHP Chairs and the Student Success Team. 

  • If the request is related to medical, CAPS will be the one to complete the Administrative Review Form and will not need to follow up with an additional reader review. 

  • International Programs will only need to review if the student meets the criteria of being an international student 

  • HSHP Chairs will only need to review if the student is within the HSHP school.  

  • All others must complete the reader review forms for each LOA/W request.  


The review process will be driven by notifications each workday morning where the following will be evaluated: 

  • If a new LOA/W request has been added, notify pertinent reviewers. 

  • If an existing LOA/W request remains, check previous notifications and reviews. Then if a review is not complete and it's been five days since initial notification, send a reminder. 

  • SFS will only be notified once Registrar and Residential Life have completed their reader reviews. 

  • The Student Success team will only be notified once all other reviews have been completed. 

  • The student will receive a notification when there has been progress made on the LOA/W request. 


An LOA/W Status Report will be available in Slate 

  • New, In Process and Completed requests will be accessible. 

  • Provides access to a request’s Administrative Review form for finalization. 

  • Provides access to a request's reader for review. 

  • Provides indicators for review status. 


An LOA/W Reader Dashboard will be available in Slate 

  • Providing visual insight into where requests are in the reader review process. 

  • A standalone version will be made available to the student through a link in their progress notifications. 


Additional considerations: 

  • An LOA/W tab will be created within the student's dashboard where all interactions for the request will be maintained. 

  • A button will be available on all student Dashboards (not the student’s Success Dashboard) to create a new staff-initiated request or open an existing Administrative Review application. 

  • All materials will be maintained historically. 

Student Initiated Form Step-by-Step Instructions 

Step 1 [Click Link from Workflow List] 

The student would select the link labeled as ‘Leave of Absence or Withdrawal – Student Request. 


Available Workflows list: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 2 [Fill out the LOA/W form] 

The form will step the student through with instructions and explanations for the various questions asked. 


The student initiated form:  

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 3 [Submit the LOA/W form] 

Once the form has been completed, the student clicks the ‘Continue’ button to submit their request. 


The student initiated form:  

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 4 [Notifications and Monitoring] 

Once the form has been submitted, the student will receive notifications and further direction to ensure a smooth result. They can monitor the progress of their request via their LOA/W dashboard. 


Confirmation and a redirection to schedule with Success Coach: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


The student LOA/W dashboard: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Admin Initiated Form Step-by-Step Instructions 

Step 1 [Click Link from Workflow List or Student Dashboard] 

There are a few locations where you can begin an Administrative Initiated LOA/W request. You can select the link labeled as ‘Leave of Absence or Withdrawal – Admin Request’ from the Workflow List or you can use the button on the students dashboard. 


Available Workflows list:  

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Student’s Dashboard: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 2 [Fill out and submit the LOA/W form] 

The form has a single question and then you submit which will immediately direct you to the LOA/W Adminstrative Review form. 


The admin initiated form:  

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Administrative Review Form Step-by-Step Instructions 

Step 1 [Click Link from the LOA/W Status Report] 

While you will be redirected to this form immediately following the submission of an Admin Initiated LOA/W form, you will more likely access it from the LOA/W Status Report which you can access through the Workflows List. 


Available Workflows list and LOA/W Status Report view: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 2 [Fill out the LOA/W form] 

The form will step you through with instructions and explanations for the various questions asked. 


The Administrative Review form: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 3 [Save or Submit the LOA/W form] 

Once the form has been completed, you can click the ‘Submit’ button to save your work. When you are ready to submit the request into the reader bins for review, you must check the ‘This LOA/W request is finalized and ready for processingcheckbox and then click the ‘Submit’ button. 


The Adminstrative Review form: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 4 [Notifications and Monitoring] 

Once the form has been submitted, the student will receive notifications and further direction to ensure a smooth result. They can monitor the progress of their request via their LOA/W dashboard. 


The student LOA/W dashboard: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Reader Review Process Step-by-Step Instructions 

Step 1 [Click Link from Notification Email] 

Once you receive a notification alerting you to a new, or reminding you of an existing, LOA/W request waiting for your review, you can select the link in the email notification to be taken to the reader for the request. 


An email notification: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 2 [Add to your Queue] 

Once in the reader, you will need to add the form to your queue by selecting the ‘Add to Queue’ button at the lower left within the Slate Reader view. Be sure to select ‘OK’ from the confirmation dialog box that pops up. 


The main Slate Reader view: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Confirmation Dialog Box: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 3 [Open the Review Forms] 

Once the form has been added to your queue, you can open the review forms by clicking the button at the lower right of the Slate Reader view, which will open access to each of the review forms. 


The main Slate Reader view:  

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Reader review forms: 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 4 [Select and complete your review] 

By selecting your review form, you will be able to complete the form by filling out the neccesary options. Some forms have more options than others so be sure to fill out your review form completely before checking the box labeled: ‘I have reviewed this request.’ Once you are done, click the ‘Send’ button to submit your review. 


Reader review forms:  

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Additional Support & Resources 

Common Mistakes to Avoid 

Contact Information for Support 



Article ID: 1613
Mon 2/19/24 7:29 PM
Thu 2/22/24 4:50 PM