2024 Annual Increment - Manager Guide


Annual Increment encompasses a general increment (distributed to all employees) as well as a Merit Increment awarded to employees who consistently meet and/or exceed expectations and who demonstrate the appropriate knowledge, skill, and ability to meet their job requirements. This TDX Guide will aid vice presidents and their direct reports in the management, allocation, and submission of the Annual Increment. You may also view this Sway Presentation to walk through the process.


Section 1: Overview of Annual Increment Process


  1. The Compensation Plan opens: HR allocates the standard general and merit amounts to all divisions. 
    1. General Increment: Across the board increase distributed to all College employees.This year, general increment is 2.5%. All employees are eligible.
    2. Merit Increment: Awarded to employees who consistently meet and/or exceed expectations and who demonstrate the appropriate knowledge, skill and ability in meeting their job requirements. This year's merit increment percentage is 0.5% and all employees hired prior to March 1, 2024 are to receive the increment if they meet necessary requirements.
  2. Both Vice Presidents and their direct reports can log into the HR Cloud, navigate to Workforce Compensation, and view the plan(s)  
  3. VPs can re-allocate budget amounts to their different teams, as well as make individual increment changes to their direct reports
  4. Direct Reports of VPs (VP-1) can re-allocate budget amounts to their different teams, as well as make individual increment changes to their direct reports and indirect reports
  5. VP’s can return the compensation plans back to their direct reports after submission if changes need to be made before final approval.
  6. Hiring managers can view the compensation plan, but do not have access to make changes, only to view changes made by VPs and direct reports of VPs.
  7. Once all individual and team increment amounts are entered and submitted for approval and approved by their division’s VP, final approval will route to the President, followed by Michelle Hammond, and then to Kirra Franzese.

Section 2: Timeline


Responsible Party


Merit plan opens for College divisions to make allocations

Vice Presidents and Direct Reports


Finalized Annual Increment Worksheets must be submitted/approved

Vice Presidents and Direct Reports


Compensation Change Statements Generated

Human Resources


General and Merit Increases Take Effect

Human Resources

07/01/2024 for staff; 08/16/2024 for faculty

The increment process should be a collaborative process. VPs, VP-1s, and line managers should communicate what is appropriate in terms of allocation for their specific groups, and we highly encourage these conversations as changes are being made. 

Section 3: General Navigation of Workforce Compensation

The sections circled in blue are the tabs that VPs and their direct reports will use to make changes/utilize for this process. NOTE: If you supervise both Staff and Faculty, you can switch back and forth between the plans 

In this section, you can find information on due dates for the increment process

At the bottom of the workforce compensation page, you can view an overall summary

 Section 4: I am a Vice President or a Direct Report of a Vice President

4a. Suggested Task Flow: NOTE you are not required to follow these steps in this exact order, this is suggested for ease of the process

4b: Manage Budgets


Each division receives an increment budget that can be distributed to employees during Annual Increment. There are two budgets in the Staff and Faculty Annual Increment:

  1. General Increment (2.5% for 2024): This budget is controlled and distributed to all employees by Human Resources.
  2. Merit Increment Budget (0.5% for 2024): This budget is managed and dispersed by department heads and vice presidents

The Manage Budgets section of the Workforce Compensation Plan is where vice presidents can control the Merit budgets distributed to each team within their division. A Merit Budget of 0.5% has already been distributed to each department. If no budget changes are necessary (i.e. all teams within the Division should receive the 0.5% increment), then you can skip to the next section. 

To Change Merit Budget Allocations in Workforce Compensation:

In the Workforce Compensation app, select Manage Budgets.

2. Select the budget you are updating. There should only be one: Merit 2024.

Here is where you can make changes to either the budget amount distributed to an individual or a budget percentage.

If you would like to re-allocate a portion of your budget to a direct report of yours: 

Type in the amount or percentage you wish to allocate. In this example, the top line and bottom line represent two different teams. As you can see, there is a remaining budget of $1200. This can be added to the desired team.



We added $1,200 to the team with $45.02, and you can now see that both the amount and percentage are updated, as well as the budget. 


NOTE: Regardless of if you choose to reallocate based on percentage or amount, your remaining budget amount will be reflected in the top right of your screen. 

Once all budget distributions have been set, select Publish to Managers and then select Publish All Budgets.

You also have the option to only publish budgets to specific managers you select, and you can unpublish budgets if needed.

Section 4c: Updating Merit for Individual Employees

Once all budget changes--if any are necessary—are made by VPs and VP-1s, users can make individual changes for employees.


  1. Navigate to Annual Increment in the Workforce Compensation Tab 
  2. Adjust Display Settings in the Compensation Worksheet (this step is optional)

The below-listed tools will help you navigate through the compensation worksheet for your team. 

Any filter or view settings that you set will only be visible to you. 

  • Summary: The summary section at the top of the screen provides information about the salary, budget, and increment percentages available for all components within the Annual Increment.

Please note, General Increment has already been distributed by HR. The only component you are updating is the Merit Increment.

  • View Columns: You can add/remove columns by selecting View > Columns and checking/unchecking the columns that are most useful.

  • Save: As you make changes to the worksheet, click the save tile. Any changes you make to the worksheet will be available when you return.
  • Filters: Select the filter icon to filter the worksheet
  • Export to Excel: You can export the compensation worksheet to excel by selecting the Export Icon
  • View in Workbook tile. Please note, edits made in the Excel export are not updated in IC HR Cloud.
  • Team View: When you select the dropdown that says "Direct Reports", you will see options for the data that will display on the compensation worksheet. Because you are entering increments for all workers below you on the Organization Tree, you will want to select All Workers. However, you can also select the Team for each of your direct reports and make changes by Team. 

Column Definitions in the Annual Increment Compensation Plan

  • Current Base Salary: Current base salary - this would include additional duties pay.  
  • Eligible Base Salary: Current Base Salary minus any additional duties pay.
  • General Increment Increase Amount & General Increment Increase Percentage: These fields show the General Increment amount and percentage the employee received for the General Increment component.
  • General Increment One-Time: Employees only receive salary increments up to the top of their pay band. Any increase in excess of the ceiling of the pay band will be paid as a one-time payment. This field displays the amount the employee may be receiving as a one-time payment.
  • General Increment Final: This field displays the total amount the employee is receiving in general increment (the sum of the general salary increase as well as the general one-time, if applicable).
  • Merit Amount & Percentage: These fields will reflect the Merit Increment amount and percentage the employee should receive for the Merit Increment component. These fields should be manually updated.
  • Merit One-Time:  Because employees only receive salary increments up to the top of their pay band, any increase in excess of the ceiling of the pay band will be paid as a one-time payment. This field displays the amount the employee may be receiving as a one-time payment.
  • Merit Final Amount: This field displays the total amount the employee is receiving in merit increment (the sum of the merit salary increase as well as the merit one-time, if applicable). 
  • Total Compensation: This field shows total cash compensation the employee will receive during this Increment period. 
  • Base Salary - New, Base Salary Change Amount & Base Salary Percentage Change: These fields display the new base salary the employee will receive on the Salary Change Effective Date, as well as the total salary amount of the change and the percentage increase
  1. Enter Changes

Merit Adjustments can be made in the merit amount and percentage columns, allocation changes will be reflected in both columns regardless of which one you update. Please note: save your changes throughout the process

As you make changes and re-allocate as necessary, you can view your remaining budget information

4d: Submit for Approval

After all of your changes have been made, you can submit for approval on the workforce compensation page

4e: Returning Plan for Correction

As a VP, if you receive submissions/allocations that look incorrect or need to be re-reviewed, you can return the plan to your direct reports by navigating to

Workforce compensation > approve > select the manager you need to return the plan to > select return for correction

You may provide comments as well.

4f: Delegating role responsibilities

To delegate VP or VP-1 Responsibilities follow the below steps. (Alternatively, an employee can request access by completing the HR Access Form and requesting "IC Compensation Representative".)

  1. Click the Roles and Delegations button under the Me tab of the landing page in HCM.
  2. Click the Add button in the Role Delegations section.
  3. In Role Name type IC Compensation Representative and select it from the drop down.
  4. Enter a start date for when the role will take effect.
  5. In the Delegated To search box type in the name of the person this role will be delegated to and select them from the drop down.
  6. Click Save to complete the process.

Delegate Worker to Someone Else

  1. Under the Annual Increment tile of the Workforce Compensation page
  2. Click on the row containing the employee and click Actions Manage Delegations > Remove Delegations. Note: By default an employee is assigned to their primary manager so you have to remove that assignment before they can be assigned to someone else.

3. Click Submit on the Remove Delegations pop-up.

4. Click on the row containing the employee again and click Actions >Manage Delegations > Delegate Workers.

On the Delegate Workers pop-up, click the drop down button next to Review Manager then click Search and search for the person who will be the delegate and click Submit.

Viewing Workers that have been delegated to you:

  1. On the workforce compensation home screen, click the highlighted text next to Viewing plan and make sure that you are on Other Plans for Review. Click the relevant plan under this tab.

2. Click Annual Increment to open the worksheet to see all the workers that have been assigned to you. (Note: This will also show all the workers who you are the line manager for.)

Section 5: I am Line Manager

NOTE: Line managers cannot make changes, but can view annual increment worksheets as changes are being made by VPs and VP-1s.

To view changes

  • Navigate to the HR Cloud > My Team > Workforce Compensation > Annual Increment



Article ID: 1643
Thu 5/23/24 12:43 PM
Thu 6/6/24 2:48 PM