FAQ: Taskstream and ePortfolios


A frequently asked questions (FAQ) list regarding Taskstream and ePortfolios.


This is a frequently asked questions (FAQ) list regarding Taskstream and ePortfolios.

How do I get to Taskstream?

All faculty and students have access to Taskstream.

  1. Log in to ICC Electronic Learning Portfolio with your Netpass username and password.
  2. Click Taskstream.

I am a Teacher Education student and already purchased a LiveText account. What do I do?

Nothing yet. We are working with LiveText, Taskstream and the Teacher Education program to determine what data (if any) needs to be moved to Taskstream. We also need to determine a time frame and a process for this work. In the meantime, you can continue to use LiveText to build your personal portfolio.

Will Taskstream be integrated with Canvas?

Faculty may be able to put a link into the Canvas course to direct students to Taskstream but there is currently no way to submit one assignment and have it available with one click in Canvas and Taskstream. Faculty members will tell students where the assignments need to be submitted.

Can faculty create a sample ePortfolio in Taskstream?

Yes, all faculty have accounts and can create a "personal" portfolio in Taskstream.

I need more than 2 GB of storage space in Taskstream, what do I do?

First, be aware that Taskstream allows you to link to digital media located in other services like YouTube, Flickr etc. It is a best practice to upload large files elsewhere and link to them. But, if you still need more storage space, contact Taskstream directly.

Will faculty be able to have a task stream account to use for demos?

Yes, all faculty have accounts and can create a "demo" folio in Taskstream and either share it publicly or share it with individual students.



All sections must be “checked out” before you can work on them and “checked back in” after you complete your work.  (Think of it like checking out library books, so that only one person at a time can work on the information).

If more than one person is working in Taskstream, the person checking the file back in can add comments after they’ve checked it in, so that the other user will know what occurred.




Article ID: 166
Wed 9/20/17 4:54 PM
Tue 2/1/22 4:28 PM