FAQs: Self-Service Station for Optical Scanning of Student Assessments


A series of answers to common questions about the new self-service Scantron Remark grading software available to faculty.


  1. How do I get training on the system?
  2. Who can use the Scanner?
  3. How many machines are there?
  4. Will the Self-Service Scanner ever be available elsewhere?
  5. When is the scanner available?
  6. What if the scanner is busy, or a web conference is happening, can I reserve a time to do my scanning?
  7. How long does it take to scan?
  8. How many answer sheets can I scan at a time?
  9. How do I scan multiple exams?
  10. Can I assign multiple points to a question or allow for more than one correct answer?
  11. Will the original Scantron sheets be marked?
  12. Which reports are included?
  13. Is anything saved to the machine in the Faculty Learning Space (Job 103)?
  14. Can I label the package of files sent to my email?
  15. Is there support to have grades placed in Canvas Gradebook?

1. How do I get training on the system?

If you would like in-person training on the process, stop by the IT Service Desk on Monday-Friday between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm or schedule a training session with an IT/L&IT staff member by contacting the IT Service Desk at (607) 274-1000 or by email at servicedesk@ithaca.edu.

2. Who can use the Scanner?

The scanner is meant to be used by all Faculty. If you have not used Scantron before, your credentials will need to be added to the system. To initialize this process, please email the Service Desk (servicedesk@ithaca.edu) or submit a ticket through a general help request. Teaching Assistants are welcome to run exams through the scanner, but will need to request access from a Library, or in Smiddy from a staff member in the HSHP Dean's Office.

3. How many machines are there?

Currently, there is one OpScan4U machine in Smiddy 322A.   A second machine is located in the Library on the main floor in a private cubicle near the Circulation Desk. 

It should take you less than 5 minutes to scan one exam for 100 students with up to 100 total questions. 

4. Will the Self-Service Scanner ever be available elsewhere?

We do not anticipate purchasing any additional scanners as of January 2022 due to the low volume and minimal usage on campus. 

5. When is the scanner available?

The Scanner is available during normal business hours when Smiddy Hall and the Library are open. 

6. What if the scanner is busy, can I reserve a time to do my scanning?

If the Scanner is busy we recommend waiting and utilizing a quiet workspace nearby. In most cases, it takes less than 5 minutes for one person to run one exam. If the area is occupied and you want to avoid interrupting the person ahead of you, then you will need to come back at a later time.

7. How long does it take to scan?

Self Service Scanning does not take long. The system is optimized to help reduce the number of options and settings that need to be set by the user. A stack of 50 bubble sheets + answer key + set up time takes 3-5 minutes to scan. For complete instructions, see the Related Article: Introduction to the Self-Service Option for Optical Scanning of Student Assessments.

8. How many answer sheets can I scan at a time?

Currently, the system can auto-scan 100 answer sheets at once, but we recommend keeping your stacks around 35-50 sheets at a time to avoid any mechanical errors. The self-service system will ask if you have more sheets to scan, so you can always add more sheets and continue scanning before the reports are generated and sent to your inbox.

9. How do I scan multiple exams?

If you have multiple versions of your exam, each version will need to be scanned as separate batches with separate answer sheets. To scan both versions of the exam, you will need to set up and scan each version separately.

10. Can I assign multiple points to a question or allow for more than one correct answer?

The self-service optical scanning software cannot grade questions with more than 1 answer.  Questions are 1:1 with each question equal to 1-point. The software does not allow additional credit to be applied to any individual or set of questions. 

11. Will the original Scantron sheets be marked?

The OpScan 4U and OpScan 4ES do not support printing answers on answer sheets as they are scanned.

12. Which reports are included?

You will receive 12 reports in a Zip File through your email. These reports include:

  • Class and Student Reports
    • 101 Student Statistics - each student’s grade, total score, and percentage on the test
    • 103 Class Frequency Distribution Report - histogram of Student Scores in A, B, C, D, F categories
    • 105 Student Response - a grid of the answers each student gave to each question
    • 150 Student Grade Report - more detail than Student Response report. Reports a page for each student, the correct answer, as well as the student’s overall score.
  • Item Analysis Reports
    • 201 Detail Item Analysis Report - Frequency of responses to each question
    • 203 Item Analysis Graph Report - Overview report, the frequency of responses (8 questions per page)
    • 204 Condensed Item Analysis - Answer frequency and response rate to each question.
    • 206 Condensed Test Report - Similar to 204 Condensed Item Analysis report but organizes the response frequencies to each question of the test
  • Test and Item Statistics Reports
    • 310 Test Statistics Report - Overall statistics of the exam, including Mean, Standard Deviation, Confidence Intervals, and Standard Error
    • 320 Test Item Statistics - summarizes each question with correct responses, incorrect responses, and the percentage of students who got the answer correct.
    • 520 Changed Answer Report by Item - provides information relating to how many answers were changed and the percent changed to the correct answer.
    • 530 Changed Answer Report by Student - which questions were changed and whether a student landed on the right answer or not.
  • Grade Sheet Import Form
    • TestData.txt and a .csv or .xls for import into Canvas Gradebook

For more information regarding these reports and what's included in them, please see: 21 Scantron-Sample-Reports

13. Is anything saved to the computer or machine?

Currently, the system sends all the Scantron results, reports, and data to the specified email address, and no information is stored locally. There is no risk that student results or other confidential data can be found on the computer or machine. Please do not open your email and download the zip file to the shared computer in either space, only do this on your IC-issued device. 

14. Can I label the package of files sent to my email?

Currently, there is no way to label the reports before they are sent to your inbox. The reports can be renamed when you download them to your computer from your inbox. 

15. Is there support to have grades placed in the Canvas Gradebook?

There is no support for sending scores to the Canvas Gradebook in the Self-Service Optical Scanning work flow. This practice has been discontinued effective October 1, 2018, due to FERPA and campus liability. You will receive all your students' results as a .zip archive file in your email inbox.



Article ID: 468
Tue 10/16/18 4:52 PM
Tue 3/8/22 9:15 AM

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