Public Lab Hours


Hours and location listing for public labs.


These labs are available for general student use.

Gannett Library

  • Hours:
    • Library Hours can be found by clicking here
  • 2nd Floor: 8 Macs, 19 Windows
  • 3rd Floor: 19 Windows
  • Circulation Laptops: 3 Macs, 21 Windows
  • 1 WebPrint Release Station, 3 Quick Print Stations
  • 2 Black & White Printers, 1 Color Printer

Park School of Communications Laptop Kiosk

  • Located on the first floor of Friends Hall
  • 6 Windows and 6 Macbook Pro laptops are available as self checkout loaners for an 8 hour period

Center for Health Sciences (CHS) Computer Lounge

  • Hours: M-F 8am - 10pm
  • 3 Macs, 7 Windows
  • 1 WebPrint Release Station, 1 Quick Print Station
  • 1 Black & White Printer

Campus Center Lobby Laptop Kiosk

  • Located in the Campus Center Lobby near the Information Desk
  • 6 Windows laptops and 8 Mac book Airs are available as self checkout loaners for an 8 hour period

Lab Policies

  • Many use the labs as quiet places to study, please be aware of others
  • Please take cell phone conversations outside
  • No food or drinks except covered beverages
  • Do not share your account information with others
  • Documents saved to the computer will be deleted upon log-off, shut down, or reboot
  • No reserving seats or leaving belongings at a station when you are not there
  • Shut down the computer when you are done
  • Please clean-up your station when you leave



Article ID: 475
Mon 10/22/18 3:06 PM
Thu 8/22/24 4:18 PM