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This article is intended for student employees and their supervisors.
IC HR Cloud
Access Time and Absence Functions
To access the Time and Absence app and perform the employee functions outlined in this article:
- Login to IC HR Cloud from
- Click on the Ithaca College Logo (top left)
- On the IC HR Cloud homepage, click on the Me tab
- Under Apps, click on Time and Absences
Fig. 1 Time and Absences app
Complete a Time Card
To add time to your Time Card for the current pay period:
Fig. 2 Current Time Card tile
NOTE: Pay periods begin on Monday and run through the second Sunday. If you are completing a time card for a pay period that has ended: From the Time and Absences app, click the Existing Time Cards tile, click the +Add button, click the calendar icon in the top left of the screen, select the first day of the correct pay period (e.g. 12/23/19), and proceed to step 2 below.
- From the Time and Absences app, Click on the Current Time Card tile
- Click on the +Add button
- Click on the Job – Department dropdown arrow, Select your job assignment
- Select Time Type (example: “Regular – Day”)
- Under Select Dates, click on calendar icon, click to select one or more dates
- In Quantity field, enter number of hours to add to each selected date (example: 7.5)
- Click on OK button
- If you have multiple job assignments, click Add another date, then repeat Steps 3-7 for each separate job assignment
- Click Show Details, click Calculate, review for accuracy
- Click Submit (top right); your Time Card will be submitted to your supervisor for approval
If you have multiple job assignments with different supervisors, Time Card information for the assignments will be automatically forwarded separately to their respective supervisors.
Employees will only need to submit one Time Card.
- If your supervisor rejects your Time Card, you will receive a notification that your Time Card has been rejected. Repeat step 1, then Click on to edit time entry
Approve/Reject a Time Card (Supervisor)
Human Resources recommends approving Time Cards via the My Team tab, as outlined below. Alternatively, Time Cards can also be approved by accessing the Tools tab and clicking on Worklist, or by clicking the Notifications bell icon in the top right corner of the screen.
Fig. 3.1 My Team and Tools tabs in menu near top of page, Notifications icon (bell) in top right corner on IC HR Cloud home screen
To approve or reject a Time Card:
Fig 3.2 Callout banner with text “Your approval is required” and link “See details.”
- On the IC HR Cloud home screen, click the My Team tab
- Under Quick Actions, click Show More
- Click Team Time Cards
- For Time Cards requiring approval, a callout banner with the text “Your approval is required” will appear. Click the See details link.
- Review the Time Card details and click the Approve or Reject button.