IC HR Cloud: Recruitment of Faculty and Staff



This article is intended for hiring managers, administrative support professionals, search chairs, and search committee members, who are part of the recruitment process for Faculty (including Contingent) and Staff positions.  


Recruitment Roles

Creating a Requisition

Approval Process

Reviewing and Managing Applicants

IC HR Recruitment Tips

  • When creating a requisition, some information will be pre-populated. It is important not to change the pre-populated information unless noted below. 
  • For the purposes of this article and recruitment in IC HR Cloud, internal postings are viewable to all current faculty, staff, and student employees. External postings are viewable to any prospective faculty, staff, or student who has never held a position on campus.

Navigation in IC HR Cloud

All tasks in this article can be accessed from the My Team tab, then by clicking on the Hiring App. 

Recruitment Roles

There are specific roles in IC HR Cloud that will need to be assigned to those who participate in the recruitment process: 

  • Hiring Manager: This is the supervisor of the position. For faculty positions, this is the Dean.
  • Dean's Admin/Admin Asst: This is a designated individual who assists in the search process. 
  • Collaborator: This can be any individual(s) who participate in the search process, such as search chair or committee member. 

Creating a Requisition

Access Job Requisitions through My Teams, then the Hiring App. This page is where you will access any requisition you are affiliated with and also where you will create a new requisition. To create a new faculty or staff requisition: 

  • Click the +Add button on the right-hand side of the page. 
  • Complete the following eleven (11) sections. To move to the next section, click continue. Please note that you will only be able to continue to the next section when all the required information has been completed. 
    1. How
      • Requisition Type: Leave as default (Standard)
      • Use: Choose Position
      • Business Unit: Leave as default (Ithaca College)
      • Position: Search for position either by title or position number (Smart search capability - start typing in the box to access the list) 
    2. Basic Information
      • Requisition Type: Leave as default (Standard)
      • Requisition Title: This will pre-populate based on the position in section one. This can be edited to reflect the title of the position when posted. 
        • Please keep the position number that populates as it is easier to identify what position it is during the approval process (HR will remove the number before posting) 
        • For faculty positions: Include the actual department or discipline - for example Assistant Professor - Biology
      • Number of Openings: Choices include Limited and Unlimited. If selecting Limited, please enter how many positions you are recruiting for. Unlimited requisitions can be used for continuous hiring needs, such as Lecturer pools
      • Position: Leave as default (pre-populations from position in section one) 
      • Recruiting Type: For faculty positions, choose Faculty. For staff positions, choose staff. For Lecturer positions, choose Contingent
      • Language: Leave as default (American English) 
    3. Hiring Team
      • Hiring Manager: This should be the person who is the actual supervisor of the position and will impact the approval workflow process. For faculty positions, please ensure that the Dean is entered, as approvals starts with them. To add the Hiring Manager, begin typing the correct name, if it is not already there. Please note when you change this field, a warning message may appear - click no if it does
      • Recruiter: Search and add an HR Recruiter. The HR Recruiter should be your HR BP. If your HR BP does not immediately appear in the drop down list of values, please type their name. Your HR BP's name should populate.
      • Collaborators: Search and add search chair(s), search committee members, and any other admin support. You may also need to add yourself if you are not the hiring manager
    4. Requisition Structure
      • Organization: Search and add the department in which this position is located
      • Primary Location: Search and add the location in which this position is located (start typing Ithaca to find this value more quickly) 
      • Other Locations: Leave as default (blank)  
    5. Details - These fields are for internal viewing only. They will not appear on the posting and therefore are not required (unless specified), although helpful for the recruitment participants. Please note that some fields have a character limit of 150. If additional space is needed, please use the attachments section 
      • Worker Type: Select Employee
      • Regular or Temporary 
      • Full Time or Part Time 
      • Educational Level
      • Maximum Salary
      • Minimum Salary
      • Instructions to Applicants: Please enter any specific instructions that should appear in the posting (HR will add before posting)
      • Procedure for Assessing Applicants, Quorum Policy and Decision-Making Procedure
      • Weeks Per Year
      • Hours Per Week
      • Time Card Required: For faculty positions, choose No. For exempt staff positions, choose No. For non-exempt staff positions, choose Yes 
      • Benefits Eligibility: Select either Yes or No
      • Name of Last Person Holding This Position 
      • Job Schedules
      • Normal Start Time
      • Normal End Time
      • Market Hiring Range
      • Percentage of Travel
      • Internal Recruitment Plan Explanation: If only posting internally, please explain the rationale and how this position will be advertised to internal candidates
      • List of Publications/Websites for HR to Advertise: Available options will appear if you hover over the field title (Required for faculty and exempt staff positions) 
      • Advertising Methods: Required for faculty and exempt staff positions
      • Efforts to Attract Under-Represented Groups: Required for faculty and exempt staff positions
      • Names/Address of at least 5 Individuals to be Contacted to Solicit Interest: Required for faculty and exempt staff positions
      • Ad Copy (short) for Print Advertising 
      • Ad Copy (long) for Website Postings
      • Target Start Date 
      • Name of Search Chair: If other than the Hiring Manager, please add the name of the Search Chair(s). Please also make sure to add this person as a Collaborator
      • Waiver to Post: If you are choosing Waiver to Post, select yes. Please review additional instructions for Waive to Post
    6. Work Requirements
      • Travel Required
      • International Travel Required
    7. Posting Description
      • Internal Posting Description: Click enter custom internal posting to copy and paste a job description if information is not pre-populated  
      • Internal Short Description: This short description is less than 1000 characters and will show as the job summary on the front tile of the applicant site
      • Internal Description: Copy and paste posting job description
      • Check Box for Same Description for Internal and External: Check if you want the description to appear the same to both internal and external applicants. If not, uncheck the box and enter text to appear for internal applicants
    8. Offer Information
      • Legal Employer: Leave as default (Ithaca College)
      • Business Unit: Unable to Edit
      • Department: Leave as default
      • Primary Work Location: Type and enter Ithaca College Campus Address
      • Other Work Locations: 
      • Job: Unable to Edit
    9. Attachments
      • Add any attachments that would be helpful for collaborators. For example, a rubric or evaluation form 
    10. Configuration
      • Candidate Selection Process: Leave as default 
      • External Application Flow: Leave as default 
      • Waive to Post: Leave as default
      • Automatically Fill Requisition: Leave as default (No)
    11. Questionnaires
      • Internal Pre-Screening Questionnaire: Available upon request to HR Recruiter 
      • External Pre-Screening Questionnaire: Available upon request to HR Recruiter 
      • Interview Questionnaire and Non-Selection Rationale Questionnaire: HR Recruiter will add
  • After completing all sections above, scroll to the top of the page and click Save and Close.
    • If your requisition is not ready to be reviewed and posted, please add DRAFT to the title prior to clicking Save and Close.
    • If your requisition is ready to be reviewed and posted, please add FINAL to title prior to clicking Save and Close.

Approval Process

Once the requisition is submitted, the HR Recruiter you selected will be notified. 

  • The approval process is as follows for faculty requisitions: 
    • Created by Dean's Admin or Admin Asst. > HR > Dean > Associate, Provost, Faculty Affairs > Budget > HR for posting 
    • Created by Dean > HR > Associate, Provost, Faculty Affairs > Budget > HR for posting
  • The approval process is as follows for staff requisitions: 
    • Created by Admin > HR > Hiring Manager's Supervisor > Budget > HR for posting
    • Created by Hiring Manager > HR > Hiring Manager's Supervisor > Budget > HR for posting
  • The approval process is as follows for part-time lecturer requisitions: 
    • Created by Dean's Admin or Admin Asst. > HR > Hiring Manager > Budget > HR for posting
  • The submitting individual will receive a notification once the requisition has been posted. Please note the system can take up to 15 minutes to post the position to the external website.  

Reviewing and Managing Applicants

Return to your requisitions from the My Teams tab, then by clicking on the Hiring App. 

  • Click on the position title (blue link)
  • This will bring you to the applicant overview
    • Added to Requisition - New: These are the new applicants that have not yet been reviewed 
    • Active Applications: These are all active applicants that have applied to this position. Once a candidate is non-selected, they will no longer be visible here
    • Hires out of ___: This will populate when an applicant had been hired
    • Unconfirmed Applicants: These are applicants who have not yet confirmed their job application via email that is sent when they submit their application
    • Referred Prospects: There are specific applicants that were sent the posting link as outreach
  • To review applicants, click on the number above Active Requisitions
  • Each candidate will have a link to their attached application materials (will open in a separate download document). Click the applicant's name to view additional application details. Within an applicant overview, you can also navigate the left-hand sidebar for additional information

After the initial review of applications, a determination needs to be made to either move applicants into the next phase or non-select them. The process of moving applicants is as follows:

For Staff Requisitions

  • All new applications enter as the phase Added to Requisition - New
  • For those applicants you wish to select, click the Actions button at the top of the page, and then select Move. Choose the appropriate phase from the drop-down list. 
  • Please note: All candidates not being moved forward need to be non-selected. After selecting Move, use the state of Rejected by Employer and then choose a value from the drop-down list of reasons
  • Email the designated HR Recruiter stating that you are submitting your candidates for review and provide a summary of your selection rationale for the selected candidates
  • The HR Recruiter will notify you, via email, once your pool has been approved
  • After interviews have been conducted, change the status of candidates moving forward to the next appropriate phase, as well as change the status of candidates not moving forward to Rejected by Employer and choosing a value from the drop-down list
  • Email the designated HR Recruiter stating that you are submitting your candidates for review and provide a summary of your selection rationale for the selected candidates
  • The HR Recruiter will notify you once your candidates have been approved
  • Schedule and conduct in-person interviews
  • Change the applicant you wish to hire to the phase Offer
  • This will generate an email to the HR Recruiter, who will generate a Non-Selection Rationale form for each non-selected finalist candidate that needs to be completed with detailed rational for their non-selection. You will also receive a Feedback form to be completed for the candidate you wish to extend an offer to. These online forms must be completed prior to the offer process moving forward
  • After completion of the online forms, the HR Recruiter will create the offer and then submit for approvals:
    • HR creates offer > Hiring Manager's Supervisor approves offer > Budget approves the offer > Offer returns to HR
  • The Hiring Manager and HR Recruiter will receive a notification when the offer has been approved and is ready to be extended
  • The HR Recruiter will notify you when you are able to verbally extend an offer
  • Verbally extend offer to candidate.
    • Please note: If there are any negotiations, the HR Recruiter will need to re-draft the offer and re-submit for approvals
  • Notify the HR Recruiter of the verbal acceptance. The HR Recruiter will electronically extend the offer via email
  • You will receive a notification once the applicant has electronically accepted the offer

For Faculty Requisitions

  • All new applications enter as the phase Added to Requisition - New
  • For those applicants you wish to select, click the Actions button at the top of the page, and then select Move. Choose the appropriate phase from the drop-down list. 
  • Please note: All candidates not being moved forward need to be non-selected. After selecting Move, use the state of Rejected by Employer and then choose a value from the drop-down list of reasons
  • Send one email to the designated HR Recruiter, the Dean, and Associate, Provost, Faculty Affairs, stating that you are submitting your candidates for review and provide a summary of your selection rationale for the selected candidates
  • The Dean and Associate, Provost, Faculty Affairs will notify you once your pool has been approved
  • After interviews have been conducted, change the status of candidates moving forward to the next appropriate phase, as well as change the status of candidates not moving forward to Rejected by Employer and choosing a value from the drop-down list
  • Send one email to the designated HR Recruiter, the Dean, and Associate, Provost, Faculty Affairs, stating that you are submitting your candidates for review and provide a summary of your selection rationale for the selected candidates
  • The Dean and Associate, Provost, Faculty Affairs will notify you once your pool has been approved
  • Schedule and conduct in-person interviews
  • Change the applicant you wish to hire to the phase Offer
  • This will generate an email to the HR Recruiter, who will generate a Non-Selection Rationale form for each non-selected finalist candidate that needs to be completed with detailed rational for their non-selection. You will also receive a Feedback form to be completed for the candidate you wish to extend an offer to. These online forms must be completed prior to the offer process moving forward
  • After completion of the online forms, the HR Recruiter will create the offer and then submit for approvals:
    • HR creates offer > Dean approves offer > Marc Israel approves offer > Offer returns to HR
  • The Hiring Manager and HR Recruiter will receive a notification when the offer has been approved and is ready to be extended
  • The HR Recruiter will notify you when you are able to verbally extend an offer
  • Verbally extend offer to candidate.
    • Please note: If there are any negotiations, the HR Recruiter will need to re-draft the offer and re-submit for approvals
  • Notify the HR Recruiter of the verbal acceptance. The HR Recruiter will electronically extend the offer via email
  • You will receive a notification once the applicant has electronically accepted the offer

Accepting an Offer

After accepting an offer, the prospective employee will receive email notifications for the online onboarding process. Questions regarding this process can be directed to the Office of Human Resources.   



Article ID: 729
Wed 2/19/20 1:30 PM
Wed 3/8/23 10:18 AM