

Formstack is an application that is used to create web forms for data collection, surveys, and workflows. Formstack features the ability to collect health-related data that may fall under HIPAA requirements, collect online payments, accept file uploads, generate PDF documents based upon form submissions through Formstack Documents, and accept electronic signatures through Adobe Sign and Formstack Sign.


Formstack is a versatile application designed for creating web forms to facilitate data collection, surveys, and workflow management. This platform offers multiple functionalities, including:

  • Collecting online payments: Facilitating secure financial transactions directly through the forms.
  • Accepting file uploads: Allowing users to upload documents or files along with their form submissions.
  • Generating PDF documents: Automatically creating PDF documents based on the information submitted through Formstack Documents.
  • Electronic signatures: Supporting digital signatures through integrations with Adobe Sign and Formstack Sign, enhancing the form's legal and official validity.

Additionally, Formstack offers a specialized environment known as Formstack HIPAA, specifically tailored for creating web forms that handle HIPAA-compliant data collection. This ensures the secure handling of sensitive health information in accordance with HIPAA regulations.

Form Authentication

To restrict form completion, access may be limited either by requiring college credentials or by setting a password for the form.

Single Sign On

To ensure form security, integrate your forms with College credentials, which requires end-users to authenticate using their Ithaca College email address and password. This restriction allows only individuals with valid credentials to access, complete, and submit the form. To configure this setting in your form, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings in your form.
  2. Select Security.
  3. Under the 'Form Password' section, select Single Sign-On (SSO) and then select Azure SSO.
  4. Optionally, for further customization, you have the option to pre-populate form fields from Azure to eliminate users from filling out the same information twice. This can be done by dragging and dropping desired form fields from the right panel onto the corresponding row in the mapped form. Note that you can map only specific SSO form fields, which include first name, last name, title, department, affiliation, email, and ID.
  5. Once you have configured the settings as desired, select Save Single Sign-On Settings to apply these changes.

See also: Pre-Populate Form Fields (

Password Protection

To control access to your form, you can implement password protection. This measure ensures that only individuals who possess the designated password can view, complete, and submit the form. To configure this setting in your form, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings in your form.
  2. Select Security.
  3. Under the Form Password section, select Password.
  4. Enter your chosen password into the New Password and Confirm Password textboxes.

See also: Password Protecting Your Form (

Online Payments

Online payments allow you to collect credit cards seamlessly through your web form through our payment processor, Stripe. You can use Stripe to collect payments for goods, services, or donations, or set up subscriptions or multiple payment installments types.

Within your form:

  • Ensure that you are collecting name, email, address, and phone number fields.
  • Ensure that you have an Event/Product field or a field that has a calculated amount total.
  • Ensure that you have a Credit Card field.

Adding Stripe Integration

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Integrations.
  3. Next to Stripe, click Add.
  4. If you have not granted Formstack access to the Ithaca College Stripe account, you can copy the credentials from an existing form, such as Form Example.

Stripe Integration

  • At the top of the Stripe integration is Run Mode. Ensure the Run Mode is set to Off at all times unless you are testing or in production.
  • Under Transaction Information and Transaction Type, select Single Payment.
  • Under Transaction Information and Item, add in the items that you need to map to the Stripe payment processor. For instance, if you are selling a CD and tacking on shipping costs, they would count as two separate items. At a minimum, the price field needs to be defined and the quantity field is optional.
  • Under Customer Information, map out the fields to match the information you are collecting in the form.

Workflow Forms

Workflow forms allow you to create a single form where multiple submitters can participate in filling it out. You can control what parts of the form each person can view and edit. All of the submitted data from each participant gets combined into a single record that saves in your form submissions.

An example of a workflow form is where an employee needs to complete the first half of a form, while the manager completes the second half and finishes the submission.

Further Information



Article ID: 828
Tue 3/31/20 7:45 PM
Fri 4/19/24 3:58 PM