Rave Self Service User Documentation



Students, Faculty, and Staff


To inform students, faculty, and staff how to change their contact information for ICAlert Emergency Notification System (ENS)

Table of Contents

  1. Logging In
  2. Mobile Phones
    1. Adding a mobile number
    2. Deleting a mobile number
    3. Editing a mobile number
    4. Testing a mobile number
  3. Voice Only Line Contacts
    1. Adding a voice line
    2. Deleting a voice line
    3. Editing a voice line
  4. Email
    1. Adding a preferred email
    2. Deleting an email
    3. Testing an Email
  5. Opt-In List
  6. FAQ



Logging in:  

  1. Go to getrave.com/login/Ithaca

  1. Log in with Ithaca College Netpass credentials  

  1. If you have not previously logged in using the same internet browser, or have recently cleared browsing history within your browser, you will come to a screen with a search bar. Type Ithaca into the search bar and select “Ithaca College,” and select the continue button. 




  1. You should now be directed to the My Account tab in Rave Self Service 



Mobile Phones 

Each user can add two mobile phone numbers for receiving IC Alerts. Mobile phones can be set up to receive just text messages, or a text message and a voice call. The Mobile (1) field is not visible because it is locked as your default number the college will use to contact you by text and voice in the event of an emergency. Your phone number used for the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) system is the one used for this purpose. Each user can also add two other mobile phone numbers for receiving IC Alerts, in the Mobile (2) and Mobile (3) fields. Mobile phones in these fields can be set up to receive just text messages, or a text message and a voice call.

Adding a mobile number:  

Note: If two numbers are already entered then adding another mobile number will not be available and will require an existing number to first be deleted (see “deleting mobile number” for more instructions). 

1. To add a phone number select the Add button in the top right: 




2. Enter your mobile number: 




3. Note the check box for “Enable voice message delivery”  

When box is checked: This mobile number will receive both text message and voice message alerts if these methods are chosen as a form of communication when the college sends an IC Alert.  

When box is not checked: This mobile number will receive text message alerts only if this method is chosen as a form of communication when the college sends an IC Alert.  

This checkbox can be changed later by editing the mobile number via instructions below. 

4. Select continue 

5. Next confirm your cellular carrier from the drop down menu and select continue: 




6. Select Done 



Deleting a mobile number: 

  1. Select the red X to the right of the number to delete: 




  1. A window will pop up asking you to confirm you would like to delete the mobile contact (note this action cannot be undone). If you are sure you would like to delete this number select delete: 



If you later change your mind, you can add that mobile number back in.

Editing a mobile number: 

  1. Select the edit button to the right of the number:  




  1. You can now edit the phone number and voice delivery preference and select continue:  




  1. Confirm your carrier is selected in the drop-down menu and select continue: 




  1. Select Done: 




Testing a mobile number 

To confirm your mobile number is working correctly, you have the option to send a test text message to your device.  

  1. The yellow Test button to the right of the number will cause the system to send a test text message to that number's mobile device.  



Voice Only Line Contacts  

Each user can add up to three voice phone numbers for receiving IC Alert’s. Mobile numbers can be added here also but will only receive voice call alerts and will not receive text message alerts. IC Faculty and Staff may have their office number already populated in voice (1). If not, we encourage to add this number to ensure you receive an alert while working at your desk. 

Adding a voice number:  

Note: If three numbers are already entered then adding a number will not be available and will require an existing number to first be deleted (see “deleting voice number” for more instructions). 

1. To add a phone number select the Add button in the top right: 




2. Enter your voice number and extension (if applicable) and select “Save”: 




Deleting a voice number: 

  1. Select the red X to the right of the number to delete: 




  1. A window will pop up asking you to confirm you would like to delete the voice contact (note this action cannot be undone). If you are sure you would like to delete this number, select delete: 



If you later change your mind, you can add that number back in.

Editing a voice number: 

  1. Select the edit button to the right of the number:  




  1. You can now edit the phone number and select save:  





Each user will have an existing registration @ithaca.edu email address that cannot be edited. Users can add two additional preferred emails to receive IC Alerts.  

Adding a preferred email:  

Note: If three emails are already entered then adding an email will not be available and will require an existing email be deleted (see “deleting email” for more instructions). 

1. To add an email select the Add button in the top right: 




2. Enter the email address and select save: 





Deleting an email: 

  1. Select the red X to the right of the email to delete: 




  1. A window will pop up asking you to confirm you would like to delete the email contact (note this action cannot be undone). If you are sure you would like to delete this email select delete: 



If you later change your mind, you can add that email back in.

Editing an email: 

  1. Select the edit button to the right of the number:  




  1. You can now edit the email and select save: 




Testing an email 

To confirm your email is working correctly, you have the option to send a test email message to your device.  

1. The yellow Test button to the right of the email will cause the system to send a test email to the email address provided.  




Opt-In Lists: 

Opt-In lists are a list of contacts to receive alerts. This could include campus wide alerts, or specific event alerts. To opt into these lists, you can either check the subscribe button, or text a phrase provided to 226787. 







FAQ’s can be found by selecting the “Hi, FIRST NAME” drop down in top right of page and selecting FAQ. Here you will find contact information for system support, and frequently asked questions.  

Q: Why is there a Mobile (2) and (3) but no (1)?  

A: The Mobile (1) field is not visible because it is locked as your default number the college will use to contact you by text and voice in the event of an emergency.

Q: How do I know if a mobile number listed will receive voice messages?  

A: If the mobile number has a green megaphone symbol next to it (  ) it is set to receive voice messages.   

Q: Why can’t I edit my username under User Profile? 

A: Username is set to all users' Ithaca.edu email address and is not an editable field.  

Q: How did my information get into this site?  

A: The contact information that is populated in the site now is the contact information provided in the previous self-service site. IT has moved this information to the new site so users won't need to re-populate their information.  

Q: Why is my office phone missing in voice contacts?  

A: Office phones are populated based on information in the college directory that is updated nightly. If your direct office phone number is not listed in the directory, that phone will not receive an ENS message. In this case, we recommend you add your office phone to voice contacts receive IC Alert calls. 



Article ID: 877
Tue 6/23/20 2:54 PM
Tue 8/8/23 2:20 PM