How to Create an Intercom Post

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Any active Ithaca College faculty, staff, or student organization leader has access to publish a story on Intercom. You can create a new post in three basic steps:

  1. Log into the website if you aren't logged in already
  2. Navigate to the Intercom home page and tap the "Add Intercom Post" option at the top of the page. This will open up the editor interface to start building a new post.
  3. Mark your new post as "published" and click Save to make it live. You're done!

If you have any problems creating or editing your post, or you are experiencing something on the site that appears to be broken or missing, please contact the IT Service Desk at 607-274-1000 or, or visit their website.




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Article ID: 1127
Thu 7/1/21 4:51 PM
Fri 10/1/21 9:57 AM