Blockquotes can be used to draw emphasis to quoted content. Quotes can add authenticity and build trust by associating content with real people.

Why Use a Blockquote
Quoting a person and having what the person is saying stand out
How to add a Blockquote
- Click to edit the page
- Scroll down to where there is a gray bar that says Add CTA Intro HERO to Content and click the drop-down arrow on the right side of the gray bar
- Select Add Blockquote
- Type in the quote in the textbox.
- (Optional) Type in the attribution for the quote.
- Scroll down and press save.
1. For information on where to use this feature, please see the "Utilization of Features on Drupal" article.
2. For sample images of this feature on a desktop and a web browser , please see the "Basic Features Sample Images" article.