Contact Callouts

Learn how to add Contact Callouts to your page. Adding a Contact Callout creates a prominent field to display basic contact information on your page.


What is a Contact Callout 

They are used to aesthetically display your contact information.  


Why Use Contact Callout 

Contact Callouts are a perfect way to display contact information. 


How to Add Contact Callouts 

  1. Click to edit the page 
  2. Scroll down to where there is a gray bar that says Add CTA Intro HERO to Content 
  3. Click the dropdown arrow and select Add Contact Callout 
  4. Add a heading 
  5. Add information into the content text box 
  6. (Optional) Add an email 
  7. (Optional) Add a phone number 
  8. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click save. 


1. For information on where to use this feature, please see the "Utilization of Features on Drupal" article.

2. For sample images of this feature on a desktop and a web browser , please see the "Emphasized Content Sample Images" article.


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Article ID: 791
Wed 2/26/20 5:31 PM
Thu 2/8/24 7:47 PM