Featured Events

Learn how to add Featured Events to your page. Featured events can be added to your page to highlight a single event, two events, or three events at a time.



A Content Publisher can add Featured Events to a queue based on pre-made events. These events will stay posted until the event has passed. The publisher can add as many events as they need to.


How to add Featured Events

  1. Click to edit the page 
  2. Scroll down to where there is a gray bar that says Add CTA Intro HERO to Content and click the drop-down arrow on the right side of the gray bar 
  3. Select Add Featured Events
  4. Add events by typing in the first few letters into search bar and selecting an event.
  5. Add as many as necessary.
  6. (Optional) Add a URL and text to link to read more
  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click save.

NOTE: To add a featured event to your page, that event must first be on the Ithaca College Events Calendar. To view existing events or to submit a new event, please see the calendar here.


1. For information on where to use this feature, please see the "Utilization of Features on Drupal" article.

2. For sample images of this feature on a desktop and a web browser , please see the "Emphasized Content Sample Images" article.

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Article ID: 891
Wed 7/1/20 2:32 PM
Thu 2/8/24 7:35 PM