Stat card collections emphasize certain metrics to stand out from other content.

Light stat card Dark stat card
How to Add a Stat Card Collection
- Click to edit the page
- Scroll down to where there is a gray bar that says Add CTA Intro HERO to Content
- Click the dropdown arrow and select Add Card Collection
- Select Add Stat Cards
- (Optional) Add a collection heading for the set of cards
- Select a Card Color between Light and Dark
- Choose a Statistic from the predefined list
- (Optional) Add an icon to go with the statistic
- 100 MB limit
- Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif
- (Optional) Enter the Link the card will lead to when clicked
- For internal paths, type in / followed by the internal URL (aka everything following
- OR, Enter <front> to link to the home page
- OR, Start typing the title of the content you want to attach
- (Optional) Enter the link text, which will be in the button at the bottom of the card.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click save.
1. For information on where to use this feature, please see the "Utilization of Features on Drupal" article.
2. For sample images of this feature on a desktop and a web browser , please see the "Card Collections Sample Images" article.