Editing an Event


How to edit an event already submitted to the online calendar.


If you need to make edits to your event entry, you can do so up until it’s been approved by a calendar administrator. If your event has already been approved, please email events@ithaca.edu with the requested changes to your listing.

1. When logged in, click your user icon in the upper navigation bar. This will bring you to a screen that has a list of upcoming events you have submitted or that you plan to attend (if you’ve marked yourself as going).

2. Click the event you submitted and that you need to edit. 

3. This will bring up your event details. You’ll see the banner at the top that says the event is awaiting admin approval. Click “Edit Event” to make changes, then Save to resubmit for approval.



Article ID: 1075
Tue 2/9/21 4:39 PM