Adding New Articles to Knowledge Base


Login to Knowledge Base with your Netpass credentials 

Select the Knowledge Base Tab along the top site navigation menu 

Select, “+ New Article” in the right hand navigation 

  • Category 
    • For the time being, select “drupal” as the category for all articles 
  • Order 
    • Until we begin to link articles and bucket into categories, order is less relevant and you can choose to keep it in the default order 
  • Subject 
    • Keep the current document title as the “subject” 
  • Body 
  • Summary 
    • Leave blank for the time being 
  • Tags 
    • Until we have a set of tags defined for use in our instance of KB leave blank 
  • Status 
    • Select “submitted” then notify Amy Thompson that your articles have been submitted (unsure of the notification process for KB) 
  • Published to KB 
    • Remains unchecked until status is switched to “approved” by Amy Thompson 
  • Next Review Date 
    • Default review date should be 6 months from initial addition of the article in KB 
  • Owner 
    • Default is set to whoever is logged in, manually select Amy Thompson 
  • Notify Owner on Feedback 
    • Check this box 
  • Audience 
    • Select "staff" (unsure what this is but a selection is required)
  • Save



Article ID: 735
Wed 2/26/20 3:28 PM
Mon 10/12/20 3:58 PM