Enter an Area Waiver Request

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This article is intended for Faculty.


1. Log into IC Workflow using your Netpass Credentials.

2. In IC Workflow click on Course Waiver Substitution Request.

3. In the Search by College ID area, type in the student ID and click on the Search button.

4. The student information will fill in at the top of the form.

5. Before submitting a Course Waiver Substitution Request, please refer to the student’s Degree Evaluation as a reference. To access the evaluation, click on the HomerConnect button.

6. Scroll down to Request Details.

7. If this is a new course waiver substitution request for this student, click “No” to the question “Is this a resubmission...” If this is a resubmission of a previous request that was submitted once already, click “Yes.”

8. Scroll down to Which area does this waiver apply to? Click on the Major, Concentration, or Minor which this course waiver substitution effects.

9. Scroll down to Change Type. Choose Area Waiver, to waive area requirement credits. For additional information on what an Area is, please refer to the Registrar Documentation located under the heading, Change Type.

10. Scroll to the Required Course/Area section of the form; enter the name of the required Area in the box which needs the waiver.

11. Press tab to move the cursor to the Credit Hours Waived box. In this box enter the number of credit hours which are being waived for this area.

12. Press tab to move down to the Reason for Request and enter the reason for this request.

13. If you have additional information that is necessary to process the course waiver substitution form or additional information for the approver, please enter this information in the Comments area. Otherwise, move down to the Policy information. Please read this policy carefully and click on the box that states you have read and understand the above statement.

14. Finally, click on Submit. This will now go to the appropriate approver.

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Article ID: 913
Mon 7/6/20 11:35 AM