Articulation with Binghamton University - Pharmacy


Articulation agreements between Ithaca College and Binghamton University for the Pharmacy program.


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This article is intended for Students, Staff & Faculty.


Ithaca College to Binghamton University School of Pharmacy Prerequisite Advising Guide 



Students have the option of:

  • 3+4 program, where 3 years are completed at Ithaca College and 4 years at Binghamton
  • 4+4 program, where 4 years are completed at Ithaca College and 4 years at Binghamton

Students opting for the 3+4 program will be able to transfer up to 28 credits from the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum to Ithaca College. Students must have a C- or greater for the course to be transferable. Only the courses will transfer, not the grades. At the completion of the first year, students must request an official Binghamton University transcript to be sent to Ithaca College.

Candidates must maintain the same academic standards whether in the 3+4 or 4+4 option.

Eligibility Criteria 

Candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria: 

  • Successfully complete the required prerequisite credits from Ithaca College outlined in Appendix A: Required Courses at Ithaca College.
  • Achieve minimum grades of "C-" or above for all prerequisites. Binghamton University does permit AP credit and dual credit courses while enrolled in high school to fulfill prerequisite courses. However, students should be aware that AP credit or dual college credit courses may not be accepted by Ithaca College for specific courses required by their major.
  • Achieve minimum cumulative and math/science grade point averages of 3.00.
  • Be in good disciplinary standing at Ithaca College.

Course Planning 


Review Appendix A: Prerequisite Courses Required by Binghamton University which outlines the required prerequisite courses that must be completed.

Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC) course requirements must be satisfied at Ithaca College, unless ICC policy permits courses to be satisfied elsewhere or a petition to complete courses elsewhere is approved.

Use Appendix B: Exercise Science: Medical Science or Appendix C: Health Sciences: Planned Clinical planning sheets as examples for semester-by-semester course schedules. Note that students are not required to have these majors – this is for illustration purposes only.


Application Process 


Students should make their faculty advisor aware as soon as possible if they intend to apply for admission to the Binghamton University School of Pharmacy under this program, particularly if they are opting for the 3+4 option.

Students should submit an online application to PharmCAS (Pharmacy College Application Service) no later than January 1 of the year that they plan to enroll at Binghamton. For a student planning to enroll in the 3+4 program, this will be January 1 of their junior year. For a student planning to enroll in the 4+4 program, this will be January 1 of their senior year.

If applying under the 3+4 program, students should indicate on their PharmCAS application that they are applying for the 3+4 program and that they are currently enrolled at Ithaca College.

The Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) is waived for students who maintain a cumulative and math/science minimum 3.00 GPA. The section requesting standardized test scores on the application does not have to be completed.

If all eligibility criteria are met, Binghamton University will contact the student to arrange for a mandatory face-to-face interview.


Special Graduation Instructions for Students Opting for the 3+4 Program 


Students must declare a Personal Leave of Absence for the Fall and Spring semesters of what would be their senior year at Ithaca College. This is requested through IC Workflow and should be completed as soon as the student makes the decision to attend Binghamton University and no later than July 1.

Students do not need to complete a petition for transfer credit.

Students should complete the information under the “Apply to Graduate” tab on HomerConnect.

Student are responsible for sending their official transcript from Binghamton University to the Ithaca College Office of the Registrar at the completion of their first year at Binghamton.

The student is responsible for notifying Christina Moylan in the HSHP Dean’s Office at that the official transcript has been sent so that the appropriate course waiver-substitutions can be completed to finalize the undergraduate degree.

Students are eligible to walk in the graduation ceremony even if the official transcript and course substitutions are not yet complete at the time of graduation. However, a diploma is not issued until satisfaction of all undergraduate degree requirements is confirmed.

Appendix A: Prerequisite Courses Required by Binghamton University found in the PDF provided.

**Students in this major should inform their advisor as early as possible in their undergraduate studies that they plan to participate in this program as it will require course waivers and/or substitutions of certain degree requirements.** 



Article ID: 1061
Thu 2/4/21 10:12 AM
Thu 2/4/21 10:13 AM

