Fall 2020


Fall 2020 Academic Calendar.


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This article is intended for Faculty, Staff & Students.


Ithaca College Fall 2020 Academic Calendar


* Click the provided links for more information

Tuesday                   September 8          Dual Instruction begins for Semester & Block I Courses*

Monday                    September 14        Last Day to ADD/DROP Semester Courses*
                                                               Last Day to ADD/DROP Block I Courses*
                                                               Last Day to Audit Semester & Block I Courses*

 Friday                      September 18       Last Day to Request S/D/F Option for Block I Courses*

 Friday                      September 25       Last Day to Request S/D/F Option for Semester Courses*

 Monday                   October 5              On-campus Instruction Begins for Semester & Block I Courses*

 Friday                      October 9              Last Day to Withdraw with "W" in Block I Courses*
                                                               Last Day to Revoke S/D/F Option in Block I Courses*     

Friday                       October 23            Block I Ends*

Sunday                     October 25            Block I Final Grades Due (online) 10:00 p.m.*

Monday                    October 26            Block II Begins*

Wednesday              October 28            Mid-Term Grades Due (online) 10:00 p.m.*

Friday                       October 30            December 2020 Application for Graduation Due (online)*

Sunday                     November 1          Last Day to ADD/DROP Block II Courses*
                                                               Last Day to Audit Block II Courses*

Friday                       November 6          Last Day to Request S/D/F Option for Block II Courses*

Tuesday                   November 10        Spring 2021 Course Registration Begins*

Friday                       November 13        Last Day to Withdraw with "W" in Semester Courses*
                                                               Last Day to completely Withdraw or take Leave of Absence*
                                                                     from the college for the semester with “W” grades
                                                               Last Day to Revoke S/D/F Option in Semester Courses*

Wednesday             November 25        No Classes

 Thursday                 November 26        No Classes, Thanksgiving  

 Friday                      November 27        No Classes

Monday                    November 30         Remote Only Instruction Begins

 Monday                   November 30         Last Day to Withdraw with "W" in Block II Courses*
                                                               Last Day to Revoke S/D/F Option in Block II Courses*

Friday                     December 11         May 2021 Application for Graduation due (online)*

Saturday                  December 12         December Graduate Reception, details to be
                                                                        announced on Commencement website*

Monday                    December 14         Last Day of Classes

Tuesday                  December 15         Final Examinations Begin*

Friday                      December 18        Final Examinations End*

Wednesday            December 30       Final Grades Due (online) by 12:00 noon


Excerpt from the College’s Attendance Policy: In accordance with New York State law, students who miss class due to their religious beliefs shall be excused from class or examinations on that day. The faculty member is responsible for providing the student with an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirement that the student may have missed. It is suggested that students notify their course instructors at least one week before any anticipated absence so that proper arrangements may be made to make up any missed work or examination. Any such work is to be completed within a reasonable time frame, as determined by the faculty member.


Interfaith Calendar: http://www.interfaithcalendar.org/

Religious Observance Policy: https://www.ithaca.edu/religious-and-spiritual-life/religious-observance



Article ID: 954
Thu 7/16/20 9:17 AM
Thu 7/16/20 9:20 AM