When ordering items in the Procurement module that are not contained within a supplier's catalog, these items must be entered manually and requested via a non-catalog requisition. This process can also be used to pay invoices for goods that have already been received or services rendered. This article contains instructions for creating a non-catalog requisition.
This article is intended for all faculty and staff.
IC Finance Cloud
Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition - Ordering Non-Catalog Items
To order non-catalog items using a non-catalog requisition:
1. On the IC Finance Cloud home page, click the Procurement tab, then click the Purchase Requisitions app.
2. On the Requisitions screen, click the Non-Catalog Requisitions link in the middle of the page under Request Forms.
This is the preferred method; Users previously submitting requisitions via the More Tasks dropdown are still able to do so, but will need to remember to check the Negotiated checkbox as noted in Step 7)
3. On the Create Noncatalog Request screen, type a description for the item you are requesting in the Item Description field.

Fig. 1 Create Noncatalog Request screen
4. In the Category Name field, click the icon to search for and define the item category. Click the Advanced button in the top right corner of the window that appears, click the Description dropdown menu, select Contains, type a partial description (e.g. "Tools" for Hand Tools), and click the Search button. Click the Description that best matches your item, then click the OK button. The Category Name field should populate with a description followed by an 8-digit number.
5. Type the Quantity of the item you are ordering and the Price per item into the corresponding fields. The Currency field should remain as USD.
6. In the UOM Name field, type Each OR click the dropdown arrow and select Each.
7. If it is not already checked, click the Negotiated checkbox. This will automatically be checked when using the method outlined here.
8. In the Supplier field, begin typing the name of your supplier. If the supplier is a person, begin typing their first name first. A list of matches should appear below the field. Click the correct name to select your supplier. When selected, the rest of the supplier information on the right side of the screen should auto-populate.
Suppliers must be registered before initiating a non-catalog request. If you are unable to find your supplier, please email to confirm that the supplier is not already registered before completing new supplier registration.
9. Click the Supplier Site drop down and select the correct address for the supplier. You can click the Search link at the bottom of the dropdown menu to see more detailed information on the address or addresses available. This field must be completed.
Please make sure the Supplier Site address matches the address on your invoice.
10. Whenever possible, type the part number for the item you are ordering in the Supplier Item field.
11. Click the Add to Cart button in the top right corner of the screen. If you are adding multiple non-catalog items, repeat Steps 3 through 10 for each item.
12. When you have added all of your items, click on the cart icon in the top right corner of the screen, and click the Review button. This will take you to the Edit Requisition screen.
13. At the top of the Edit Requisition screen, type the reason for your order in the Justification field. The Description field will default based on the first item in your requisition, but you may want to update this if you are ordering more than one item.
14. Type your Room Number and Department name into the corresponding fields. Department has a 10-character limit and may need to be abbreviated.
15. Under Requisition Lines, click on the first line item.
16. Under Delivery, check that the correct location is shown in the Deliver-to Location field. If needed, click and search for the desired location. When searching, click the Advanced button, change "Starts with" to "Contains" for the Name field, type in part of the name of your building, click Search to find your location, click on your location, and click OK.
Deliver-to Location will pre-populate with your default location if you have set one up. If you have not, a location will need to be selected, as the default is the general Ithaca College campus address, which will not route your order to the appropriate building.
All line items should have the same Deliver-to Location. If different items need to be delivered to different location, please create a separate requisition for each location.
17. Under Billing, enter the GL account to be charged for the selected item under Charge Account. Student employees will skip this step
Account numbers can be typed, or entered using the Select Charge Account icon to the right of the account number field. If you have multiple items, you can copy and paste your account numbers.
Users can also select from accounts set up as favorites using the Charge Account Nickname dropdown list. This list will not appear if you have not set up any favorite accounts.
A line item can be split between multiple accounts. To split a charge, click the Split icon at the top of the Billing section, and use the Percentage, Quantity, and Amount fields to determine how to split the item between the account numbers entered.
18. Click on each additional line item in your requisition and repeat Steps 14 through 17.
19. You must attach an imaged quote for your items, obtained from the supplier.
- If you have only one quote for your entire order: Scroll to the top of the screen, and Click the to the right of Attachments to add an image of the quote. Click Category and select To Supplier. (Please note: Category must be updated in order for the requisition to be submitted properly) Type a description of the attachment in Description field and any notes in the Notes to Supplier field.
- If you have separate quotes for separate items: Select the item you are attaching a quote for and scroll to the bottom of the screen. Click the to the right of Attachments to add an image of the quote. Click Category and select To Supplier. (Please note: Category must be updated in order for the requisition to be submitted properly) Type a description of the attachment in Description field and any notes in the Notes to Supplier field.
20. If you have an invoice or invoices to attach, Scroll to the top of the screen, and Click the to the right of Attachments. Click the at the top of the window to add an attachment. Click Category and select Miscellaneous. (Please note: Category must be updated in order for the requisition to be submitted properly) Type a description of the attachment in Description field and any notes in the Notes to Supplier field. Repeat if you have multiple invoices.
21. At the top-right of the screen, click Check Funds to make sure sufficient funds are available to cover your requisition. A confirmation will appear if the funds check passes, or an error will appear if it does not. Student employees will skip this step
22. If you have a Submit button in the top-right corner of your screen, click this button submit your requisition for approval. Once approved, the requisition will produce a purchase order that will be submitted to the supplier. If there is no Submit button in the top-right corner of your screen, you will need to reassign your requisition to the appropriate person in your area so that it may be submitted for approval. Click the dropdown arrow next to the Save button, and click Save and Close, and follow the instructions for reassigning your requisition in the Creating a Punchout Requisition article.
IMPORTANT - Please remember to
receive your items in Cloud after they are delivered to you. If receiving is not completed, we will not be able to issue payment to the supplier. See the knowledge base article on
Receiving for instructions.
Creating a Non-Catalog Requisition - Paying an Invoice
Invoices for goods or services acquired outside of the Procurement module can be paid using a non-catalog requisition. The requisition will generate a purchase order to the supplier, so please follow these instructions carefully to ensure that the supplier is made aware that this is a payment only and not a separate order. You will need an imaged copy of your invoice to attach to the requisition.
To pay an invoice using a non-catalog requisition:
1. On the IC Finance Cloud home page, click the Procurement tab, then click the Purchase Requisitions app.
2. On the Requisitions screen, click the Non-Catalog Requisitions link in the middle of the page under Request Forms.
This is the preferred method; Users previously submitting requisitions via the More Tasks dropdown are still able to do so, but will need to remember to check the Negotiated checkbox as noted in Step 7)
3. You have the option to enter each line item on your invoice separately or treat the entire invoice as a single item. On the Create Noncatalog Request screen, type the following into the Item Description field:
- Supplier Name
- Description for the invoice or the line item you are entering
- Invoice number and date

Fig. 1 Create Noncatalog Request screen
4. In the Category Name field, click the icon to search for and define the item category. Click the Advanced button in the top right corner of the window that appears, click the Description dropdown menu, select Contains, type a partial description (e.g. "Tools" for Hand Tools), and click the Search button. Click the Description that best matches your item, then click the OK button. The Category Name field should populate with a description followed by an 8-digit number.
5. Type the Quantity of the line item and the Price into the corresponding fields. The Currency field should remain as USD.
6. In the UOM Name field, type Each OR click the dropdown arrow and select Each.
7. If it is not already checked, click the Negotiated checkbox. This will automatically be checked when using the method outlined here.
8. In the Supplier field, begin typing the name of your supplier. If the supplier is a person, begin typing their first name first. A list of matches should appear below the field. Click the correct name to select your supplier. When selected, the rest of the supplier information on the right side of the screen should auto-populate.
9. Click the Supplier Site drop down and select the correct address for the supplier. You can click the Search link at the bottom of the dropdown menu to see more detailed information on the address or addresses available. This field must be completed. Make sure the address you are using matches the Remit To address on your invoice. If we do not have the Remit To address on file, do not proceed with creating the requisition; instead, send an email to with a copy of the invoice and a subject line of "Supplier Address Update Needed."
10. At the bottom of the screen under Attachments, click the (Plus) icon to add an attachment. Click the Category dropdown menu and select Miscellaneous. Click the Browse button and use the file browser that appears to select an imaged copy of your invoice. Type "Invoice" into the Description field.
11. Click the Add to Cart button in the top right corner of the screen. If you are entering multiple lines as separate items, repeat Steps 3 through 10 for each line.
12. When you are done adding items, click on the cart icon in the top right corner of the screen, and click the Review button. This will take you to the Edit Requisition screen.
13. At the top of the Edit Requisition screen, type the reason for your order and a note that this is an invoice payment in the Justification field. The Description field will default based on the first item in your requisition, but you may want to update this if you have entered multiple lines as separate items.
14. Type your Room Number and Department name into the corresponding fields. Department has a 10-character limit and may need to be abbreviated.
15. Under Requisition Lines, click on the first line item.
16. Under Billing, enter the GL account to be charged for the selected item under Charge Account. Student employees will skip this step
Account numbers can be typed, or entered using the Select Charge Account icon to the right of the account number field. If you have multiple items, you can copy and paste your account numbers.
Users can also select from accounts set up as favorites using the Charge Account Nickname dropdown list. This list will not appear if you have not set up any favorite accounts.
A line item can be split between multiple accounts. To split a charge, click the Split icon at the top of the Billing section, and use the Percentage, Quantity, and Amount fields to determine how to split the item between the account numbers entered.
17. Click on each additional line item in your requisition and repeat Steps 14 through 17.
18. You must attach an imaged quote for your items, obtained from the supplier.
- If you have only one quote for your entire order: Scroll to the top of the screen, and Click the to the right of Attachments to add an image of the quote. Click Category and select To Supplier. (Please note: Category must be updated in order for the requisition to be submitted properly) Type a description of the attachment in Description field and any notes in the Notes to Supplier field.
- If you have separate quotes for separate items: Select the item you are attaching a quote for and scroll to the bottom of the screen. Click the to the right of Attachments to add an image of the quote. Click Category and select To Supplier. (Please note: Category must be updated in order for the requisition to be submitted properly) Type a description of the attachment in Description field and any notes in the Notes to Supplier field.
19. If you have an invoice or invoices to attach, Scroll to the top of the screen, and Click the to the right of Attachments. Click the at the top of the window to add an attachment. Click Category and select Miscellaneous. (Please note: Category must be updated in order for the requisition to be submitted properly) Type a description of the attachment in Description field and any notes in the Notes to Supplier field. Repeat if you have multiple invoices.
20. At the top-right of the screen, click Check Funds to make sure sufficient funds are available to cover your requisition. A confirmation will appear if the funds check passes, or an error will appear if it does not. Student employees will skip this step
21. If you have a Submit button in the top-right corner of your screen, click this button submit your requisition for approval. Once approved, the requisition will produce a purchase order that will be submitted to the supplier. If there is no Submit button in the top-right corner of your screen, you will need to reassign your requisition to the appropriate person in your area so that it may be submitted for approval. Click the dropdown arrow next to the Save button, and click Save and Close, and follow the instructions for reassigning your requisition in the Creating a Punchout Requisition article.
IMPORTANT - Please remember to
receive your items in Cloud. This process must still be completed for invoice payments. If receiving is not completed, we will not be able to issue payment to the supplier. See the knowledge base article on
Receiving for instructions.
22. Send an email to to notify Accounts Payable that you are making an invoice payment. In the subject of the email, please include the supplier name, PO number, total dollar amount, and receipt number.