Directory allows you to search public information about IC Employees that they have made visible (office numbers, office phone, work email, department, etc. You can also view organization charts from the Cloud directory.
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This article is intended for faculty, staff and student employees who access the directory through the "Me" Tab in IC HR Cloud.
Section 1: Browse the IC HR Cloud Directory
Section 2: Print Organization Charts
Section 3: Provide Employee Feedback
Go to and log in using your Netpass credentials. In IC HR Cloud, go to the Me tab and select the Directory app.
There are two (2) ways you can browse the directory:
1. In the search bar, search an employee's name and select the work assignment that you are searching for.
- Select the tile that lists the employee's name to find contact information for the employee.
- Click on the hierarchy icon (see image below) to see the employee's organization chart.

Fig. 1: Hierarchy icon in IC HR Cloud.
In the HCM directory, you can search for active faculty, staff, affiliates and student employees (All students are not displayed - only student employees). Because student employees have multiple assignments, selecting specific assignments will show you the organizational hierarchy for that assignment only.
2. Search the directory for your specific division by selecting the My Organization Chart tile. You will be directed to a page that shows you and all of your direct reports.
After you search the employee's name and Click on the hierarchy icon (see image below), you can print the organization chart, by selecting the Print tile.

Fig. 2: Hierarchy icon in IC HR Cloud.
- Select the Levels to Display. This indicates how many managers above this employee should be selected.
- Select the File Format. Available options include SVG, PDF, PowerPoint and Spreadsheet.
- Select the Fields to Display. This indicates the information per employee that should be listed on their cards (limit of 6).
- Select the Layout Definition. (This only applies if you are using a SVG file format.)
- Select the Orientation. This indicates whether you want the organization hierarchy to be displayed vertically down the page or horizontally across the page.
Prior to Printing the Organization Chart, select Preview to see a preview of the Organization Chart. Once you've confirmed that the appropriate information is included, select Print.
Want to give kudos to an employee for a job well done, or to provide feedback on an employee's work, projects, or success? You can provide feedback directly through the Directory app at any time, by following the instructions outlined in HR TDX Article, Anytime Feedback.