Sharing Files and Folders

Tags Onedrive

This guide explains how to share files or folders in OneDrive and SharePoint/Teams with various users, including those outside your immediate network. It covers different sharing options, including view and edit permissions.

Sharing on OneDrive

The files on your OneDrive are private until you share them. Keep in mind that when you share folders with Edit permissions, people you share with can add the shared folders to their own OneDrive. This lets them keep the folder alongside their own folders and items, easily move items between folders, and more easily work on it offline. Any updates they make sync with the shared folder, so everyone with access to the folder is up to date.

Sharing with "Copy Link"

Choose this option to share items with lots of people you might not even know personally. For example, you can use these links to share in an email or message, or post it on a website. Anyone who gets the link can view or edit the item, depending on the permission you set. Users with the link cannot upload new items. If the sharing link points to a folder, you may be required to sign in with a Microsoft account.

  1. For OneDrive, go to in a web browser or open the OneDrive app or access OneDrive through Teams.
  2. Choose the items you want to share. Click the circle icon next to the file or folder. In List view, the circle is on the left side of the item. In Tiles view, the circle is in the top right corner of the item.
  3. Select  Share at the top of the page.
    • If the item is already shared, a "Shared with" list appears showing individuals or groups with access.
    • To adjust access, select on a profile photo or group initials to access "Manage Access".
  4. Select  Settings (gear icon) to to customize sharing options.
  5. Select  Copy Link to copy the sharing link for distribution.

Share with specific people

Choose this option if you want to send an email invitation to people or groups and keep track of who you invited. This also lets you remove permission for specific individuals or groups later if you need to.

  1. Go to in a web browser or open the OneDrive app or access OneDrive through Teams.
  2. Choose the items you want to share. Click the circle icon next to the file or folder. In List view, the circle is on the left side of the item. In Tiles view, the circle is in the top right corner of the item.
  3. Select  Share at the top of the page.
    • If the item is already shared, a "Shared with" list appears showing individuals or groups with access.
    • To adjust access, select on a profile photo or group initials to access "Manage Access".
  4. Select  Settings (gear icon) to to customize sharing options.
  5. In the 'Name, group or email' field, type the email addresses or names of the individuals you wish to share with. As you type, a list of contacts may appear based on your input. You can select the appropriate contact directly from this list.
  6. Below the 'Name, group or email' field, you have the option to add a message. This can be useful for providing context about the shared item.
  7. Click on Send to share the item with the selected contacts along with your message, if any.

Sharing on SharePoint/Teams

The files you store on a SharePoint site or in a team in Teams are usually available to everyone with permissions to the site, but you may want to share specific files or folders with people who don't otherwise have access to the site. When you share files and folders, you can decide whether to let people edit or just view them. You can see who a SharePoint file is shared with, and stop sharing SharePoint files or folders, or change permissions, at any time.

Sharing with "Copy Link"

Choose this option to share items with lots of people you might not even know personally. For example, you can use these links to share in an email or message, or post it on a website. Anyone who gets the link can view or edit the item, depending on the permission you set. Users with the link cannot upload new items. If the sharing link points to a folder, you may be required to sign in with a Microsoft account.

  1. To access files, visit SharePoint at or use Microsoft Teams at Microsoft Teams can also be accessed through its application.
  2. In SharePoint or within the Files tab of a team in Microsoft Teams, navigate to the items you wish to share. Click the circle icon next to the file or folder. In List view, the circle is on the left side of the item. In Tiles view, the circle is in the top right corner of the item.
  3. Select  Share at the top of the page.
    • If the item is already shared, a "Shared with" list appears showing individuals or groups with access.
    • To adjust access, select on a profile photo or group initials to access "Manage Access".
  4. Select  Settings (gear icon) to to customize sharing options.
  5. Select  Copy Link to copy the sharing link for distribution.

Share with specific people

Choose this option if you want to send an email invitation to people or groups and keep track of who you invited. This also lets you remove permission for specific individuals or groups later if you need to.

  1. To access files, visit SharePoint at or use Microsoft Teams at Microsoft Teams can also be accessed through its application.
  2. In SharePoint or within the Files tab of a team in Microsoft Teams, navigate to the items you wish to share. Click the circle icon next to the file or folder. In List view, the circle is on the left side of the item. In Tiles view, the circle is in the top right corner of the item.
  3. Select  Share at the top of the page.
    • If the item is already shared, a "Shared with" list appears showing individuals or groups with access.
    • To adjust access, select on a profile photo or group initials to access "Manage Access".
  4. Select  Settings (gear icon) to to customize sharing options.
  5. In the 'Name, group or email' field, type the email addresses or names of the individuals you wish to share with. As you type, a list of contacts may appear based on your input. You can select the appropriate contact directly from this list.
  6. Below the 'Name, group or email' field, you have the option to add a message. This can be useful for providing context about the shared item.
  7. Click on Send to share the item with the selected contacts along with your message, if any.

Sharing with Guests

When you need to share files with external guests in OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams, it is necessary to share them directly using the recipient's email address. Note that the  Copy Link feature is not applicable for sharing with guest users.

Sharing Options

When you share a file or folder, certain sharing options may be available. Select  Settings (gear icon) to customize sharing options.

  • "People in [Your Organization] with the link": Allows anyone in your organization who has the link to access the file, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else.
  • "People with existing access": For those who already have access; does not change permissions.
  • "Specific people": Limits access to people you specify, though others may already have access.
  • "Allow editing": Permits editing of the files or folders. Unchecking this box restricts others to viewing, copying, or downloading without signing in.
  • "Block download": Prevents people from downloading the files or folders.
  • "Set expiration date": Sets a date for the link to expire, rendering it inactive afterward.
  • "Set password": Sets a password for accessing the file. You must share this password separately.
  • "Open in review mode": For Word documents, limits others to commenting and suggesting without making edits.

Further Reading

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Article ID: 1606
Fri 1/26/24 12:03 PM
Fri 1/26/24 12:52 PM