Town Halls in Microsoft Teams

Host impactful presentations and large-scale events seamlessly with Microsoft Teams' town hall feature. This functionality is designed to efficiently share content with large audiences, making it ideal for hosting college-wide reviews, live event coverage, and other significant gatherings.

You should schedule a town hall if:

  • You’re hosting a large-scale event.
  • You need high-quality content sharing or streaming capabilities.
  • The experience is mainly consumption-based for attendees.
  • You’re providing extensive coverage of an event for up to 30 hours.

Town halls are a one-to-many experience. The focus stayed primarily on presenters and shared content while attendees watch. By default, attendee cameras and mics will be turned off when they join a town hall. However, attendees can still engage through other apps and services, like Q&A, where they can post or respond to questions during the event.

Primary features of a town hall include:

  • Presenter Spotlight: Bring presenters to the forefront of the event by managing what attendees see. Showcase up to seven presenters’ video feeds at once.
  • Translated Captions: Break down the language barrier during your town hall with live translated captions. Attendees with Teams Premium can choose from ten language translations; other attendees can choose from up to six.
  • Published Town Hall Recordings: After a town hall ends, you can download and publish the event recording to share with attendees. When you publish the recording, attendees will automatically receive an email with a link to the recording.
  • Attendee Reports: Gain insights into your town hall with post-event attendee reports. See how many people attended, how long they attended, and other details.

Attendance Reports

Gain insight into your meeting attendance with attendance reports. Enable these reports to view and download important details during and after your meetings. You can learn who attended, when each person joined and left, and more.

For organizers, attendance reports are stored with the organizer's other data, such as emails and contacts. These reports are permanently deleted if an organizer leaves the college, and no one else can access them. Organizers can also enable or disable attendance reports for meetings they created.

Co-organizers can view and download attendance reports when the meeting is scheduled in Teams, not Outlook. They can do this while the meeting is in progress and from the meeting chat afterward. However, co-organizers cannot view or download attendance reports from the meeting invite after the meeting has ended.

Organizers with a Teams Premium license can see engagement information that captures how attendees reacted and interacted during the meeting or event. The engagement data shows the total number of attendees who unmuted during the meeting or event, turned on their cameras, raised their hands, used each type of meeting reaction, and initiated questions, answers, and discussions through Q&A.

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Article ID: 1663
Mon 7/15/24 3:34 PM
Tue 7/16/24 4:20 PM