New York State Paid Prenatal Leave

Effective January 1, 2025, New York State mandates that all private-sector employers provide eligible employees with 20 hours of paid prenatal leave annually. This leave is specifically for health care services received during pregnancy, including physical examinations, medical procedures, monitoring and testing, fertility treatments, and related consultations.

IC Prenatal Leave Policy

NYS Paid Prenatal Leave website

NYS Prenatal Leave fact sheet



All employees, regardless of full-time or part-time status, are entitled to paid prenatal leave. There is no minimum employment duration required to access this benefit. However, only the individual receiving prenatal health care services is eligible; spouses, partners, or other family members are not covered under this leave.


To assist our employees in accessing this benefit, please follow the steps outlined below

1. Complete the NYS Prenatal Care Request Form

  • Please complete the NYS Prenatal Leave request form found in our HR Help Desk here: Service - NYS Prenatal Care Request Form
  • Once submitted and received, our Benefits team will add this absence plan to your record and it will be available to you to add to your absence record via self-service in HR Cloud


2. Applying the Prenatal Leave absence type in HR Cloud

After your request has been processed, you can submit prenatal care absence requests through the HR Cloud self-service portal.

  • Log in to HR Cloud here:
  • Navigate to Time and Absences by following this path: Home > Me > Time and Absences
  • Select Add Absence
  •  In the "Type" drop down, select NYS Prenatal Leave
  • Enter the date(s) you will using NYS Prenatal Leave and the duration of hours
  • Click Submit


3. How to track your remaining NYS Prenatal Leave balance

Employees can take paid prenatal leave in hourly increments, up to a total of 20 hours within a 52-week period starting from the first use of the leave. Unused hours do not carry over to the next period. Please ensure that your leave requests are submitted promptly to maintain accurate records. To view your remaining NYS Prenatal Leave balance in HR Cloud, follow this path:


Additional Considerations

  • Confidentiality: You are not required to disclose specific medical details beyond what is necessary for scheduling and leave purposes.

  • Coordination with Other Leave Policies: Paid prenatal leave is a separate entitlement and does not affect your existing sick leave or other leave balances. You are not required to exhaust other leave types before utilizing paid prenatal leave. 


If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please contact the Benefits Team via the HR Help Desk here: Service - Benefits & Absence Help Req...