The Pay App is your hub for managing and viewing all pay information.
Accessing Pay Functions
To access the Pay App and perform the employee functions outlined in this article:
- Login to IC HR Cloud from
- Click on the Ithaca College Logo (top left)
- On the IC HR Cloud homepage, click on the Me tab
- Under Apps, click on Pay

Fig. 1 Pay app
Direct Deposit
Please note that all new accounts added for direct deposit are immediate based on the payroll processing schedules.
Please have all of your banking account information available when adding a new account or changing and existing one.
By adding your direct deposit information in IC HR Cloud, you are agreeing to the following authorizations:
Authorizations for Direct Deposit
- I request and authorize Ithaca College to deposit my net payroll earnings into my account with the below financial institution(s) as indicated. I further authorize posting error corrections to my account and repayment to Ithaca College for amounts deposited in error
- This Authorization will remain in full force and effect for a) the duration of my employment; b) until Ithaca College discontinues the service; c) until I submit a written request to terminate the service. I will submit this request to the Payroll Office in a timely matter as to afford Ithaca College and my financial institution(s) a reasonable opportunity to act upon my request.
- This request is for processing as soon as possible based on the payroll processing schedules.
Setting Up Direct Deposit

Fig. 2 Payment Methods tile
1. First, add a bank account for direct deposit:
- From the Pay app, click on the Payment Methods tile
- Click on the +Add button in the Bank Accounts box
- Enter the following information within the provided fields:

- Routing Number - This is typically the first set of numbers at the bottom of the check, and should be nine (9) digits long.
- Account Number - This is typically the second set of numbers at the bottom of a check, excluding the check number.
- Account Type - Please indicate if the account you are adding is a Checking, Savings, or Money Market account.
- Click Save to confirm the addition of this account.
2. Second, add your payment methods:
- From the Pay app, click on the Payment Methods tile.
- Click the +Add button in the My Payment Methods box.
- Enter the following information with in the provided fields:
- What do you want to call this payment method? - Think of this as a “nickname” for your account. If you have multiple accounts you would like your paycheck to be spilt between, this is a helpful way to identify them.
- Payment Type - Direct Deposit is the default and only option for Payment Type.
- Payment Amount - (Will not appear when adding an account for the first time) Use this field to specify the percentage or specific dollar amount you would like this account to receive for each pay check.
- Bank Account - New Account is the default, and should be used when adding a new account.
3. Click Save to confirm you payment methods.
Editing or Deleting an Existing Bank Account
After you have added a bank account, you can change any of the information you entered or delete the account. If you have added multiple bank accounts, you can specify how much of your pay check you would like to go to each account.
To edit or delete a bank account:
- From the Pay app, click on the Payment Methods tile
- Click on the pencil icon to the right of the account you would like to edit or delete
- Make changes to the account information as needed and click Save, or, if you wish to delete the account, click Delete
A Payslip is a document containing gross pay, net pay, taxes, and other detailed payroll information for a specific pay period, which can be accessed using the Pay app.

Fig. 3 Payslips tile
- From the Pay app, click on the Payslips tile
- Click the Payslip link on the left side of the screen for the pay period you would like to view. The corresponding dates for each pay period will be shown below the Payslip link.
- You will be prompted to download a .pdf file.
- Open the file to view your Payslip. Please note when saving, printing, or viewing your Payslip that this document contains sensitive employee information.
Please note when saving, printing, or viewing your Payslip that this document contains sensitive employee information.
The Tax Withholding tab allows you to review/update your federal and state tax forms. Please ensure that this information is completed correctly, to ensure your taxes are processed accurately during Payroll.
- From the Pay app, click on the Tax Withholding tile.
- Click the 'Pencil' icon next to the Federal or Regional tiles to edit your federal or regional forms.
- Save and Close.
- Want to print your tax forms? Under the "Forms" label, select "Federal" for your federal form, or the abbreviation of your state for your regional forms, to download a completed PDF of your forms.
The Office of Human Resources cannot give tax advice. For best advice for making selections on your federal and state tax forms, please contact an accountant, or utilize
Wellcents, IC's financial wellness partner.