IC Workflow & Nolij Migration


Details about the migration of IC Workflow and Nolij to newer platforms occurring in 2023/2024. This will include the migration of workflows and processes, as well as document storage repositories.


IC Workflow / Nolij Migration

During the Summer and Fall of 2023, Information Technology will be sun setting the current IC Workflow platform along with the the Nolij document management tool (collectively known as the ECM or "Enterprise Content Management" stack). This migration is the culmination of planning efforts that began pre-pandemic, and is made possible by the hard work of several offices across campus in coordination with Information Technology. Our goal is to make the migration as seamless as possible, but we do recognize that there will be some changes that affect how all of us leverage the workflow platform.

At this point, we believe we have reached out to everyone who has a form or process in IC workflow, and/or who uses Nolij for document storage. If you have any questions or concerns that we have overlooked your current IC Workflow usage, please submit a service desk ticket with any details.

What to Expect

As the year progresses, you'll see changes in one or more areas:

  • The look and feel of forms will change - and in many cases, for the better. The new workflow platform has access to a wide amount of college data, which enables forms to be more personalized and pre-filled. The processes behind the forms are not generally changing, just the appearance. Forms will include documentation on use as appropriate. Access to forms will remain the same. For example, if you are used to accessing Student forms through the Office of the Registrar website, those links will be updated to point to the new form versions so you can continue to use them. If you access IC Workflow through the Apps.ithaca.edu page, those links will point to the new portal as well.
  • The IC Workflow interface will be replaced with a new workflow portal. The functionality will be the same, but the look and fill will be different. A separate communication and Knowledge Base article will be provided prior to this cut over. Again, accessing the portal will be the same as before (e.g., through the apps.ithaca.edu page).
  • For users of Nolij, you will have a new interface that is either based on SharePoint / Teams, Slate, or HCM. Details on this will be communicated directly to your team.


Some forms have already been switched over to the new platform, and additional forms will be migrated on a regular basis through early 2024. Likewise, some offices have already been moved to SharePoint / Teams for document management. We will work directly with remaining offices on document management migration time frames.

The new IC Workflow portal is live and can be viewed at https://student.ithaca.edu/portal/workflow.



Starting on 1/2/2024, student documents will be housed in Slate rather than Nolij.

  • While Nolij will remain accessible for several weeks, no new student documents should be uploaded to Nolij. Instead, they should be uploaded to Slate.
  • Please watch this brief video or refer to this article   to learn about viewing, editing, and uploading student documents in the Material View in Slate.



Also on 1/2/2024, we will be transitioning to the NEW IC Workflow Portal.

  • This will look very similar to the current version, but instead of being accessed at ecm.ithaca.edu, it will be located at https://student.ithaca.edu/portal/workflow . Current links from other pages, including Apps.ithaca.edu will be updated
  • All current IC Workflow forms will be accessible from this page
  • This page will be used by students, faculty, and staff (despite the word “student” in the URL).
  • The new workflow platform will retain the familiar name of “IC Workflow”.



The current IC Workflow Portal (https://ecm.ithaca.edu/wf/) will continue to exist through February, 2024. The new portal (https://student.ithaca.edu/portal/workflow) will be used for all purposes except this -- If you are an approver or processor of one of the following 7 forms, you will continue to process and view the status of these forms from this page, rather than the new page, through February, 2024.

Forms that will continue to be processed through the old portal through 2/2024:

  • Change Major / Concentration
  • Change Minor
  • Incomplete Grade Request
  • Petition for Transfer Credit
  • Course Registration Override
  • Course Waiver Substitution Request
  • Grade Change



  • 1/2/2024 Launch of NEW IC Workflow Portal
  • 1/2/2024 Transition of Student Documents from Nolij to Slate
  • 1/9/2024 Presentation at A-Deans meeting by IC Workflow Transition team
  • 2/5/2024 NEW Academic Forms Launch- New submissions will be processed from the NEW IC Workflow Portal, No new submissions will appear in old portal, In-process submissions will be completed in old portal
  • 2/28/24 Old IC Workflow Portal will be disabled


More Information

We are working on a series of Knowledge Base articles and related videos to help support this transition and the use of the new workflow tools. Those articles will be posted in this Knowledge Base as they become available.



Article ID: 1444
Tue 5/2/23 11:25 AM
Thu 12/14/23 3:01 PM