IC HR Cloud: Performance Review for Employees


Performance Reviews will now be completed using the IC HR Cloud platform. This article contains detailed instructions for employees completing self-evaluations in IC HR Cloud.


The IC Annual Performance Review process provides an opportunity for staff and supervisors to step back from day-to-day activities to reflect on accomplishments of the previous year. This is also a time to realize career opportunities and to set clear goals and expectations for future success. Overall, the Performance Review Process encourages a method for us to celebrate career performance and identify ways to further enhance our professional development. 


This article is intended for all staff employees. 


Annual Staff Performance Review Timeline

Part 1. Self-Evaluation

Competencies & Short Descriptions Used in Annual Performance Reviews

Part 2. Participant Feedback

Part 3. Supervisor Evaluation

Part 4. Performance Meeting

Part 5. Final FeedbackShape 

Annual Staff Performance Review Timeline

The 2023-2024 Annual Performance Review will run from Monday, March 4, 2024, through Friday, May 3, 2024

The following table will explain the checkpoints and deadlines in this year's Annual Performance Review process.



Time Frame

Self-Evaluation & Participant Feedback Completion

Self-Evaluation document completed by employee.
Feedback forms completed by the employee about their supervisor and peers (as requested). 

March 4, 2024 – March 17, 2024

Supervisor Evaluation

Document completed by the supervisor.

March 18, 2024 – April 14, 2024

Review Meetings & Final Feedback

Virtual or In-Person meeting between employee and supervisor.
After meeting is held supervisor submits final comments.
Supervisor releases document to employee for employee to acknowledge

April 15, 2024 – May 3, 2024

Part 1: Self-Evaluation

Self-Evaluation Overview

The annual performance self-evaluation asks you to actively engage in the Performance Review Process. The information presented in your self-evaluation will guide your supervisor during their Supervisor Evaluation by providing better insight into your overall performance and the perception of your own performance.

Accessing the Self-Evaluation

  • To access your Self-Evaluation, go to apps.ithaca.edu and log into Finance and HR Cloud, using your Netpass credentials.
  • Select either the Ithaca College logo or the home icon to access the main page.
  • Once on the main page, select the Career and Performance app. A message will appear stating “It’s time for Annual Performance Review” and it will contain a link to complete your Self-Evaluation. 

Complete Section 1: Competency under Evaluation Topics

The first section you will complete is the Competency section of the Evaluation Topics section of the Annual Performance Review. Select the Evaluate button to open competencies.  Share your assessment of your job performance over the last year for each competency. Provide examples that support your evaluation.

When completed, click Save and Close in the top right-hand corner.

Step 2: Achievements and Growth under Evaluation Topics

Select the Evaluate button to expand the section. Complete the following sections:

  1. Significant Accomplishments/Results: Describe achieved goals, accomplishments, and results aligned with employee’s unit and the college’s strategic direction.
  2. Areas for Growth, Development, Improvement: Identify areas for professional and personal growth and development as well as any areas for improvement.

Once you feel satisfied with your entries, click Save and Close in the top right-hand corner.

You may add any attachments, such as certificates, check-in documents, or any other supporting documents. (Attachments > Edit >Attach Document > Save).

Step 3: Complete the Overall Summary Section

Complete the Overall Summary section. Select edit within this section, add any additional comments or information you would like included in your overall performance evaluation. When complete, click Save.

You’ve now completed all the sections of your Self-Evaluation. To route your Self-Evaluation to your supervisor click submit in the top right-hand corner.

Part 2. Participant Feedback 

Participant Feedback Overview

If you have supervisory responsibilities, your supervisor will request feedback from your direct reports. This feedback is optional and will not be viewable by you.

As a direct report, your supervisor’s supervisor (or next-level supervisor) will request feedback from you regarding your direct supervisor. This feedback is optional and will not be viewable by your direct supervisor.

Additionally, you may be requested to provide feedback as a peer about another peer. This feedback is optional and will not be viewable by the peer.

Accessing Feedback Requests

  1. To access your feedback request, go to the Career and Performance app in IC HR Cloud.  
  2. Select the Feedback Requests box. The request for feedback on your direct supervisor or peer requesting feedback will have a Begin link on the right side.  

Adding Feedback 

Entering feedback is similar to completing your own self-assessment. 

  • Begin your feedback in the Evaluation Topic Section 1: Competency section. When you click the evaluate button, this section will expand, listing each competency, a short description and comment section.
  • Review each competency and share relevant feedback as it relates to the competencies. Please note, you may not have relevant examples for each competency. If this is the case please enter N/A. Once finished, click Save and Close in the top right-hand corner.
  • Please note, though Section 2: Achievements and Growth are listed, you will not have access to enter any information in this section
  • Next complete the Overall Summary section. To add comments in this section, click the edit button. Provide any additional comments. To save your entry, click Save.

You’ve now completed all the sections of your Feedback Request and can click submit in the top right-hand corner. Once you click submit, your feedback will be routed to the requesting supervisor. Click Done to return to the Career and Performance landing page.

Part 3. Supervisor Evaluation  

Supervisor Evaluation Overview

Your supervisor will complete the same sections of the Annual Performance Review as you completed for your Self-Evaluation.

Your supervisor will request feedback from all direct reports you may have and will collaborate with you to identify additional employees to provide peer feedback. This feedback is optional and will not be viewable by you.

Supervisor Guide

A separate Performance Review – Supervisor Guide is available online, outlining the Supervisor’s responsibilities and tasks during the Performance Review Process.

Part 4. Performance Meeting

Performance Meeting Overview

Supervisors and employees are required to meet one-on-one to discuss the Annual Performance Review. Annual Performance Reviews are not meant to be a surprise to the employee, as regular check-ins should have been occurring year-round.

Performance Meeting Agenda

Performance meetings can be held in-person or virtually and should be between forty-five (45) and sixty (60) minutes in length. Both the employee and supervisor should be contributing to the conversation regarding each section of the Performance Review document. At the end of the meeting, goals and an action plan for accomplishing those goal should be put in place, including routine check in meetings throughout the year.

Part 5. Final Feedback  

Final Feedback Overview

Once your supervisor confirms the performance meeting was held, the Annual Performance Review will be returned to you for any Final Feedback. An Information Call-Out will appear. Click Continue to enter in any final comments.

Click the verification box and then Submit in the top, right-hand corner.



Article ID: 546
Mon 3/25/19 4:37 PM
Wed 2/28/24 4:36 PM