IC HR Cloud: Performance Review for Supervisors


For supervisors with direct reports, instructions on how to complete the annual Performance Review process for each employee are detailed in this article.


Performance reviews assess employee goals, work and accomplishments during the year, and when managed professionally, openly, and honestly, reviews can help enhance working relationships, understanding of personal and professional goals, and performance. Reviews can also help ensure employees are recognized for their work and are being provided the right training opportunities to acquire further skills, which can be beneficial for both the employee and the College. Performance reviews offer supervisors the opportunity to culminate the conversations they are having with their employees throughout the year to review personal and professional goals, to set goals and ambitions for the upcoming year, and to reflect on areas of growth, improvement or advancement.


This article is intended for all staff and faculty employees with staff supervisory responsibilities.


IC HR Cloud


Annual Staff Performance Review Timeline

Part 1. Accessing Performance Reviews

Part 2: Employee Self-Evaluation

Part 3. Participant Feedback

Part 4. Supervisor Evaluation

Competencies and Short Descriptions

Part 5. Share Performance Document

Part 6. Performance Meeting & Final Feedback

Part 7. Additional Information & Next-Level Supervisors

Annual Staff Performance Review Timeline

The 2023-2024 Annual Performance Review will run from Monday, March 4, 2024, through Friday, May 3, 2024

The following table will explain the suggested checkpoints and deadlines in this year's Annual Performance Review process.



Time Frame

Self-Evaluation & Participant Feedback Completion

Self-Evaluation document completed by employee.
Feedback forms completed by the employee about their supervisor and peers (as requested). 

March 4, 2024 – March 17, 2024

Supervisor Evaluation Document completed by the supervisor. March 18, 2024 – April 14, 2024

Review Meetings & Final Feedback

Virtual or In-Person meeting between employee and supervisor.
After meeting is held supervisor submits final comments.
Supervisor releases document to employee for employee to acknowledge

April 15, 2024 – May 3, 2024

Part 1. Accessing Performance Reviews

  1. To access your employee’s Performance Review, go to at apps.ithaca.edu and log into Finance and HR Cloud, using your Netpass credentials. You can click on either the Ithaca College logo or the home icon to access the main page.
  2. Once on the main page, click on the My Team tab, then the Performance app (not the Performance Overview app).

3. Each employee will have a link to their Annual Performance Review above their name. A checkmark will display if they have completed their self-evaluation. Although you can begin completing your assessment of the employee, we encourage you to wait for the completion of their self-evaluation before finalizing your submission.


Part 2. Employee’s Self-Evaluation

Self-Assessment Overview

The Performance Review Process begins with your direct report completing a Self-Evaluation. The information presented in the self-evaluation should guide you during your Supervisor Evaluation by providing additional insight into, and their perception of, their overall performance.

Employee Guide

A separate Performance Review – Employee Guide is available via TDX, outlining the Employee’s responsibilities and tasks during the Annual Performance Review Process. 

Part 3. Participant Feedback

Requesting Participant Feedback

While the employee is completing their self-evaluation, you will be requesting others to provide feedback as a direct report or peer. For your direct reports who also have supervisory responsibilities, the participant feedback you solicit will provide context about your employee's management style, support of their direct reports and their success as a leader.  This step is required if the employee has direct reports. It is encouraged to request feedback from peers.

Follow these instructions to invite direct reports and peers to provide feedback:

  1. Select the ellipsis [...] next to the employee’s name, then Request Feedback for Employee’s Annual Performance Review.
  2. Select add button in Participant section.  Use the smart search bar to add your employee direct reports, peers and/or next-level supervisor, then use the drop-down menu to add the participant type for each added person.
  3. Once finished adding participants, click Send Request in the top, right corner. 

       4. Click submit and add additional participants as needed.

Viewing Feedback

Prior to completing your review of the employee, you are encouraged to review any submitted feedback from direct reports peers.

  • To view submitted feedback, click the 3 of 3 participants responded link. Any completed feedback will have a View Feedback button. 


Part 4. Supervisor Evaluation

Part I: Competencies

To begin the Supervisor Evaluation, go to the Evaluation Topics. Select Section 1 Competency. Select evaluate, and the competencies and short descriptions section, listed below, will display. 

Share your assessment of their job performance over the last year for each competency. Provide examples that support your evaluation. You will be able to see the employee’s self-evaluation comments as you complete each competency. Clicking Show Additional Info will display any participant feedback from direct reports and peers. When completed, click Save and Close in the top right corner.

Part II: Achievements and Growth

The Achievements and Growth section allows you to provide written feedback about your employee's accomplishments and their areas for growth development, and improvement. Select the evaluate button to expand the section for free-form text boxes where you can enter in:

  1. Significant Accomplishments/Results: Describe achieved goals, accomplishments, and results aligned with employee’s unit and the college’s strategic direction.
  2. Areas for Growth, Development, Improvement: Identify areas for professional and personal growth and development as well as any areas for improvement.

You will be able to see the employee’s entries as you complete each area.

Once completed, click Save and Close in the top right corner. You must respond to each section.

You may also add any attachments, such as check-in documents or any other supporting documents. (Attachments > Edit >Attach Document > Save)

Part III: Overall Summary

Complete the Overall Summary section.  Select edit within this section, add any additional comments or information you would like included in the overall performance evaluation. When complete, select Save.

Once you've reviewed your evaluation, select submit in the top right-hand corner to prepare the document to be released to the employee.

Part 5. Share Performance Document 

Sharing the Performance Document to the Employee

Prior to sharing the review with the employee ensure your supervisor has reviewed and approved your assessment. Make any changes prior to releasing to the employee.

It is recommended that you release the document prior to meeting with the individual, giving them time to review before the performance meeting.

To release the document, click on the Annual Performance Review link. You will see an Information call out. You have two options for sharing with the employee; Share and Retain and Share and Release:

  • Select Share and Retain prior to the meeting. This allows you to share the review with the employee but retain control of the document and make changes and add comments, if necessary.

Part 6. Performance Meeting & Final Feedback

Performance Meeting Overview

Supervisors and employees are required to meet one-on-one to discuss the Annual Performance Review. Annual Performance Reviews are not meant to be a surprise to the employee, as regular check-ins should occur year-round.

Performance Meeting Agenda

Performance meetings can be held in-person or virtually and should be between forty-five (45) and sixty (60) minutes in length. Both the employee and supervisor should contribute to the conversation regarding each section of the Performance Review document. At the end of the meeting, goals and an action plan for accomplishing those goals should be established, including a plan for routine check-in meetings throughout the year.    

Release the Performance Document to the Employee & Confirm Performance Meeting

After the performance meeting, supervisors should make any applicable edits, then Share and Release the document to the employee.

A second Information Call-out will appear instructing you to confirm that the Performance Meeting was held. Click the Indicate Meeting Held button and enter the date of the performance meeting, then click submit in the top, right corner.

Final Feedback Overview

Once you confirm the performance meeting was held, the Annual Performance Review will be returned to your direct report for any Final Feedback. Their submission and verification of Final Feedback finishes out the Performance Review for this employee.

Part 7. Additional Information & Next-Level Supervisors

Finding Completed Performance Reviews

Return to the Performance app (not the Performance Overview app). The performance app will display a list of all employees who report to you. The default view is In Progress reviewsClick Show Filters and click Completed in the bottom section of the filters list.

Next-Level Supervisors:

As a Next-Level Supervisor, you have the ability to view Annual Performance documents throughout the entire process.

To access a Performance Review document for an employee in your department or division:

  • Click on the My Team tab, then the Performance Overview app (not the Performance app). After clicking, a list of your direct reports will appear.
  • Use the Hierarchy link to access the department list of your direct report. Each employee will have a link to their Annual Performance Review below their name. A checkmark will display if they have completed their self-assessment. You will only be able to view documents that have been started.    



Article ID: 548
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Thu 2/29/24 9:11 AM