Creating a Spend Authorization


Spend Authorizations are approvals for expenses in IC Finance Cloud. These authorizations must be submitted and approved prior to making any travel-related purchases. Follow the instructions in this article to complete a Spend Authorization.

The approval chain for Spend Authorizations is determined automatically and follow a supervisor hierarchy. Any Spend Authorization over $2,000.00 will be routed to the appropriate area Vice President for approval.




Spend Authorizations are approvals for expenses in IC Finance Cloud. These authorizations must be submitted and approved prior to making any travel-related purchases or registering for online conferences. Follow the instructions in this article to complete a Spend Authorization.

The approval chain for Spend Authorizations is determined automatically and follows a supervisor hierarchy. Any Spend Authorization over $2,000.00 will be routed to the appropriate area Vice President for approval.



This article is intended for all faculty and staff.



IC Finance Cloud



  • Important Reminders (Please Read Before You Begin)
  • Creating a Spend Authorization


Important Reminders (Please Read Before You Begin):

  • A Spend Authorization is required for all travel-related and online conference expenses.
  • When travelling internationally, additional documentation will need to be attached. Please see International Travel for more information
  • Once an authorization is approved, a Spend Authorization cannot be deleted.
  • Do not underestimate expenses or a new SA will need to be submitted and approved.


Creating a Spend Authorization


Fig. 1 IC Finance Cloud home page, Me tab near top of screen, Expenses app in middle of screen under Apps


To create a Spend Authorization:


1. On the IC Finance Cloud home page, click the Me tab, then click the Expenses app. 

2. On the left side of the Travel and Expenses screen, click the Authorizations (Snowglobe) icon. 

3. Click the Request Authorization button.

4. On the Request Authorization page in the Purpose field, enter reason for trip (conference, recruitment, research, professional meeting, etc.)

5. From the Expense Location dropdown list, search and select destination by city if in the United States or select search option to select another country. If you are travelling internationally, additional documentation will be required.

6. Click the + (Plus Sign) icon next to Attachments to attach any additional documentation as needed.

7. In the Start Date field, enter the trip begin date.

8. In the End Date field, enter the trip end date.


Adding Estimated Expenses:


9. Click the + (Plus Sign) icon under the Estimated Expenses section to add an estimated expense.

10. On the Estimate Expense page, from the Template dropdown list, select IC Travel & Expense. NOTE: The Athletic Travel template should only be used by Athletics.

11. From the Type dropdown list, select your expense type.

12. In the Amount field, enter a USD amount estimate (do not change USD).

13. In the Description field, enter any relevant information for this expense.

14. Click the + (Plus Sign) icon next to Attachments to attach any additional documentation as needed.

15. In the Account field, review for accuracy. The three-digit department code defaults to the traveler’s department and the subcode defaults to the appropriate type. Change if necessary. If your subcode does not match the expense line item, a warning will appear.

16. If you have additional expenses to add, ClickSave and Create Another. Repeat Steps 9 through 15 to add any other estimated expenses to your authorization request.

17. When all estimated expenses have been created, click Save and Close.

18. This takes you to the Authorization page. An Authorization number will be shown in the upper left corner, and the page will contain a summary of estimated expenses with a total. Review and click Submit for approval. This routes through your supervisor hierarchy.



Article ID: 835
Tue 5/5/20 12:25 PM
Mon 9/16/24 3:29 PM