Cash Advances


Cash Advances associated with travel can be requested using the Expense Module. This article contains instructions on how to submit a Cash Advance request and how to reconcile the advance after travel is completed.




Cash Advances associated with travel can be requested using the Expense Module. See below for instructions on how to submit a Cash Advance request and how to reconcile the advance after travel is completed.



This article is intended for all faculty and staff.



IC Finance Cloud



  • Important Reminders (Please Read Before You Begin)
  • Requesting a Cash Advance
  • Reconciling a Cash Advance


Important Reminders (Please Read Before You Begin):

  • All cash advances must be reconciled after travel is complete. See instructions below.
  • Delegates are able to request a cash advance on behalf of another employee, with that employee's approval.
  • Cash advances are restricted to certain travel – see IC Travel Policy.
  • Cash advance requests should be submitted two weeks in advance of trip in order to allow time for approvals and bank transfer.


Requesting a Cash Advance


Fig. 1 IC Finance Cloud home page, Me tab near top of screen, Expenses app in middle of screen under Apps


To create a Cash Advance Request:



1. On the IC Finance Cloud home page, click the Me tab, then click the Expenses app. 

2. On the left side of the Travel and Expenses screen, click the Cash Advances (Briefcase) icon. 

3. Click the Request Cash Advance button. 

4. Enter the dollar amount you would like to request in the Advance Amount field. 

5. Enter a detailed description of the reason for the cash advance and the related trip in the Purpose field. 

6. The Advance Type field should always show as Travel. This selection should not be changed. 

7. In the Start Datefield, enter the begin date of the associated trip. 

8. In the End Date field, enter the end date of the associated trip. 

9. Click the + (Plus Sign) icon next to Attachments to attach any additional documentation as needed. (e.g. list of students travelling) 

10. Click the Submit button in the top-right corner of the screen to complete your request. If you are submitting your own request, approval of the request will be routed through your supervisor hierarchy. If you are a delegate submitting on behalf of another employee, approval of the request will go first to that employee, and then to that employee's supervisor hierarchy.

11. Send an email to with a subject line of "Cash Advance" notifying travel services that you have submitted your request.



Reconciling a Cash Advance


When you are completing your expense report, your cash advance must be reconciled by following these steps:


1. Create an Expense Item for the total cash that was spent and add the item to your expense report. See Managing Expense Items for instructions on creating an out-of-pocket expense item. Be sure to select the correct expense account number to charge for the actual amount that was spent.

2. Attach documentation to your Expense Item. Documentation must include:

  • Form(s) acknowledging student receipt of funds, including dollar amount and student signature(s).
  • Itemization of cash spent, including dates, dollar amounts, and descriptions (e.g., tip for driver, parking toll, etc.)

3. Deposit any unused cash back into your department's expense account. The account should have a subcode of 7400. You will need to retain a copy of the deposit slip. See the Cashiering Services website for instructions on making deposits. Attach a copy of the deposit slip to your expense report.

4. When submitting your expense report, select the correct cash advance to apply to your report. After you click the Submit button, a box will appear allowing you to make this selection. Only one cash advance may be selected per expense report. See Creating an Expense Report for additional details.




Article ID: 836
Tue 5/5/20 3:06 PM
Fri 11/3/23 2:25 PM