Accessing your Faculty or Staff Profile

Any active Ithaca College faculty or staff member can access their personal profile to make edits, add content, or create new pages within their profile site.

The easiest way to access your profile is to log into the website, and then navigate directly to your personal page.

Step One: Log into Drupal

There are a few primary options for getting to the login page:

  1. Go to -OR-
  2. Go to and select Drupal from the full list of options -OR-
  3. Look for the copyright notice at the very bottom of page and click the © symbol
  4. When you have successfully logged into Drupal, you will be directed to the "My Content" page ( which shows all the content you currently have editing access for.

Step Two: Navigate to Your Profile Page

After you've successfully logged into the website, you can navigate to any page you have permission to edit to make updates, including your personal Profile page.

Your personal profile is created with your username, and it will be a subpage of either the Faculty or Staff subdirectory in our site depending on your affilitation.

  • To find a FACULTY profile, go to [your username here]
  • To find a STAFF profile, go to [your username here]




NOTE: Your "Member Profile" is NOT Your Faculty/Staff Profile

Every logged user also has a Drupal member profile, which includes your user name and details of how long it has been since you first logged into Drupal. This is different and separate from a faculty or staff profile a default screen within the system, and it can be ignored. (see example)

screenshot of the Drupal user profileThis is NOT the profile page you're looking for. Use the instructions above to find your faculty/staff profile.

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Article ID: 1037
Fri 12/11/20 5:13 PM
Mon 4/5/21 4:10 PM