Permissions, Support and Requests for Additional Access


Permissions, Support and Requests for Additional Access


Most Drupal users are classified as "Publishers," which allows for access to all of the features outlined in the Drupal Basic On-Demand Training, as well as the Drupal How-To Guides. Please note these permissions are more limited when creating a Faculty Profile. For specifics on the permissions that users have in this context, please see the how-to guides provided in the Faculty Profiles category, which outlines all of the features that are available.


Additionally, although users have access to all of these features, there are some limitations on where certain features can be utilized. For a complete list of these limitations, please see the article outlining the Utilization of Features on Drupal.


Support and Requests for Additional Access

For technical support or to request access to additional features, please complete the IC Website New Work Request form. For more information, please see the Information Technology (IT) Department's article on Web Support Requests.



Article ID: 969
Wed 7/29/20 1:42 PM
Wed 9/1/21 4:22 PM

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