All web pages on our website are associated with a Site Group which serves as an administrative container for related content. Each Site Group may contain all the pages and topics for one site, or it may contain content for multiple sites.
- A user must be a member of the site group associated with a specific webpage in order to be granted a role to contribute or publish content in that webpage.
- Any active IC staff, faculty, or student can be a site group member.
- Only a site group administrator can add or delete members, or assign roles to members in a site group.
NOTE: These instructions are specific to managing contributors to a standard web page or site on For instructions on how to grant editor access on a Faculty or Staff Profile, please refer to this article.
Who Can Manage Members
In order to add new members to a site group and assign roles, you must already be a member of that site group and have the Admin role.
If you are not already a member of the site group in question, or if your site group does not already have the Admin role assigned, please email the web team ( for assistance.
Adding New Members to a Site Group
- Be sure you’re logged into Drupal by entering your Netpass credentials at
- Navigate to the website you'll be adding a new member(s) to, e.g.[your-webpage]
- In the list of Drupal actions that appear above the content on your first page, click on Site Group.

- In the Site Group menu, click the Members tab near the top. This will show you a list of user IDs for all the current members of this site group and their site group roles.

- If you are an Admin for your site group, you will see the Add Member button on this screen. If you do not see the Add Member button, it means you are not an Admin for this site group and will need to contact the user who is listed as Admin to proceed, or contact the web team ( to request Admin access.
- Click the Add Member button to open the member finder and type the NetID of the individual you wish to add to the site group. The system should autocomplete with the correct user ID in the system followed by a number, e.g.
dcameron (26)

Is the username you're looking for not showing up? This usually means that user has never logged into the website before and the system doesn't recognize them. Even if the user has an active NetID and logs into other college systems, they won't automatically be added as a user in the Drupal website. The fastest way to solve this is to ask the user to follow our instructions for How to Sign in to Drupal. Once they have successfully logged in and activated their usernames, you should be able to add them successfully as described above.
- When you have selected the correct user, check the box next to the role (or roles) you would like them to have in your site group. The full list of roles available in a site group are as follows:
- Contributor – make and save edits to a draft, but not able to actually publish those changes.
- Admin – ability to add and manage users in the site group (add other Publishers, for example).
- Publisher – able to make and save edits, and then also publish those changes.
- Reviewer – able to see unpublished content but not able to make edits.
- Click the Add content to this group button to add this individual to the group with the role you have assigned them. Repeat from Step 6 to add additional members as needed.
Updates to user permissions and site group members are activated as soon as you save your changes, and you may invite your new users to start editing content immediately.
Changing or Removing Existing Site Group Members
Updating or removing roles and permissions for existing site group members can be done with a few simple steps.
- Start by follwing Step 1 through Step 4 for Adding New Members above.
- From the Members view, find the username of the member you'd like to update and expand the View Member menu (click on the ∨ symbol to expand) next to their name.

- Within the View Member menu, you may choose to either Edit their role (e.g. change from Contributor to Publisher) or Remove the member from your site group completely.
- Complete and confirm the change you wish to make and save your changes. They will become effective immediately.