Organizing My Reading List: How Do I Edit an Existing Item in My Reading List


This article is intended for faculty.


Leganto Reading List (Course Readings) and Canvas

Editing An Existing Item

After you have added an item to your reading list, you may notice a typo or want to add additional information to the citation.

  1. Click on the ellipses (...) directly to the right of the item (not the ellipses to the right of the section heading)
  2. Click on the first option "Edit item" to open the citation editor.
  3. Make your desired changes to the citation.
  4. When finished, click "Save."
  5. Note: clicking on Discard will not delete your citation. This will discard any changes you have made to the citation since opening the editor.

Deleting An Item From Your List

To delete an item from your reading list, click on the ellipses directly to the right of the item. Click the last option "Delete Item." You will be prompted to confirm because this deletion is permanent and cannot be undone.

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Article ID: 450
Fri 9/14/18 4:39 PM
Tue 2/1/22 4:49 PM