Teaching and learning applications that include the Canvas, Solstice, Student Response System (TopHat), Kaltura (Media Gallery), Padlet, and Voicethread.

Categories (11)

Classroom Technology

Information about the various components found in classrooms across campus.


Canvas is the Learning Management System that replaced Sakai in the Fall of 2021. Help articles are being developed and will be continuously added.

Student Response System (iClicker)

iClicker is student response system that allows instructors to engage their students in class, online, or in a hybrid setting. Faculty can use iClicker to create polls and quizzes, collect feedback, and track attendance and participation. The integration with Canvas will sync grades and rosters.

iClicker is integrated with the Canvas LMS and will be available to students for no additional cost as an application on their mobile devices or in web browser. iClicker is supported by Ithaca College Center for Instructional Design and Educational Technology

Support for Top Hat has been discontinued.

INSTRUCTOR LOGIN: https://instructor.iclicker.com
STUDENT LOGIN: https://student.iclicker.com

Video Hosting with Kaltura

Kaltura is the video hosting, management, and delivery system for Ithaca College. This system can be used within the Learning Management System (Canvas) and also through media.ithaca.edu. The system also provides tools for creating media, basic editing features, and "curating" playlists and channels.


Voicethread is an interactive multimedia online tool that allows users to upload media and comment on it using audio, video, text and doodles. Ithaca College has a site license for Voicethread which provides free access to all students, faculty, and staff. Voicethread is integrated with Sakai allowing instructors to group students as well as assign students to view, comment, or create Voicethreads.

Watermark Assessment Tools

Watermark Insights assessment tools include Planning and Self Study, Student Learning and Licensure, Outcomes Assesment Projects and Taskstream.

Course Readings Tool (Leganto)

Course Readings tool holds digital e-Reserves and other course files in your Canvas course. It is integrated with the library catalog and you can upload your own files. It will insert full citations into the text editor in Canvas and is able to export a course bibliography.
For more detailed information visit https://libguides.ithaca.edu/leganto


Zoom is a video and audio conferencing and webinar service.


Padlet is a collaborative, project-based, tool to support teaching and learning. All IC faculty, students, and staff have access to Padlet.

Secure Testing - Lockdown Browser

Respondus Lockdown Browser allows faculty to administer exams through Canvas while providing a secure testing experience.

Articles (15)

Additional Resources to learn about and use Padlet

This article provides additional resources to help use Padlet.

FAQs: Self-Service Station for Optical Scanning of Student Assessments

A series of answers to common questions about the new self-service Scantron Remark grading software available to faculty.

How to access Padlet (step-by-step directions)

This article explains how both students and staff can access Padlet.

Introduction to the Self-Service Option for Optical Scanning of Student Assessments

This article explains the steps for the self-service optical scanning station located in the Faculty Learning Space, Job 103.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning, the new Lynda.com, provides access to over 10,000 business, technology and creative skills development video courses designed for in-depth instruction and just-in-time microlearning. This article provides an overview and how to login on multiple devices for Ithaca College members.

Remote Teaching Resources

This article lists all available tools for remote teaching.

Setting up Your Linkedin Learning Account

Ithaca College students, staff, and faculty have full access to the Linkedin Learning platform including all video and learning series. This article explains and provides diagrams of what a user should expect to see as they go about linking their personal Linkedin account to the Linkedin Learning platform.

SPSS Statistics Away from the Ithaca College Network

Using SPSS Statistics Away from the Ithaca College Network

Tips for Presenting

Heading to a Conference or Presenting in a Classroom? Here are some tips for a successful presentation whether presenting at a conference or in a classroom. There are a lot of issues to pay attention to and questions to ask before the day arrives.

What is Padlet?

Padlet is an easy and intuitive way to share ideas online! It is an online note board that can be used as a collaborative space in a classroom. This article goes into detail on how to use Padlet.