Team Dynamix Asset Management Database


This article is intended for staff and faculty. 




Steps to Client Portal

To see your Technology Assets

Respond to their tickets 

Specific Features that have changed 

Steps to Client Portal

Steps to See Your Technology Assets (within Client Portal)

  • To see your assets
    1. Click on your name and choose My Profile.  Assets are listed at the bottom of the page
    2. If work address does not contain building and room, go to Finance and HR Cloud (in apps) and update your office location.  It will be fixed in the client portal after 1 business day
    3. If the assets do not belong to you or the location is wrong please fill out the Technology Renewal - Change to Ownership or Location of Computers/Printers service.

Steps to See Your Department Technology Assets 

  • Through TDX you cannot see a full list of Department Technology Assets. We can request a report be sent to you of the full list and the owners associated to those devices. 
    1. To request a report of all Technology Assets assigned to a Department please email 
    2. This report can be sent to you monthly or weekly through email format and multiple individuals can be emailed this report. 

Steps to Respond to Tickets (within Client Portal)

  • To see or respond to tickets
    1. Click on Services in the dark blue banner at the top of the home page
    2. Click Ticket Requests in the light grey bar underneath the dark blue bar.
  • You may also respond to ticket updates that are delivered via email

Specific Features That Have Changed

Specific features of the new Asset Management Process developed within TeamDynamix are highlighted below:

  • Questionnaires are no longer being sent; any inquiries relating to the technology renewal process can be submitted through the IT Service Desk ticketing system, Technology Renewal services.    
  • Description of Devices: (reminder: all devices that were purchased through IT or through a specific department are College Owned Devices) Personal Devices are now referred to as Primary Devices.   – Which means that all Faculty and Staff  are allowed ONE primary device which is a LAPTOP (change was implemented in Intercom 7/21/2020).
  • Communication: All communication relating to the technology renewal process will now be through TeamDynamix and a service ticket. 
    • Process Outline:
      • IT will create a ticket and send an email with the ticket and any other pertinent information.
      • As per the message in the email, please respond with one of the following options:
        • Device is no longer being used, in which case IT will schedule a time to retrieve the device.
        • Device should be replaced with a similar model
        • Device should be replaced with a different model (ex. Window Desktop replaced with Windows Laptop)
      • IT will schedule a time for the replacement and notify you by sending an email.
      • IT will send various reminders throughout the process to ensure adequate communication. Simply respond to the email with questions.

For More Information

Please Email Kayla Lepkowski at

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Article ID: 1033
Mon 12/7/20 1:39 PM
Wed 7/7/21 3:51 PM