
Tags Taskstream

Taskstream is an electronic portfolio and assessment system.

 Watch the "What is Taskstream?" introductory video >


This article is for students and faculty.


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What is Taskstream?

Student Produced Presentation Folios

Students can create presentation folios that demonstrate skills, knowledge and experience. Folios are similar to resumes but allow students to use many different forms of media to convey information. Students can create multiple folios to meet a variety of professional, academic, or personal needs.

Directed Response Folios (DRFs)

Programs can systematically assess student learning and outcomes by creating and using a Directed Response Folio (DRF). The DRF pre-defines the structure, the learning outcomes, the standards and the rubrics for student assessment. Students enrolled in programs using a DRF will see the DRF when they loginto Taskstream. Initial programs using DRFs are ICC and Teacher Education. 


Taskstream allows program coordinators to create and use standardized or custom assessment rubrics to evaluate student work and to report information in aggregate or by subgroup.  

Assessment and Accreditation (AMS)

Taskstream supports strategic assessment planning, data collection, action planning, curriculum mapping, reporting and analytics. Contact Vince DeTuri at vdeturi@ithaca.edu for questions about Taskstream AMS.

Who Uses Taskstream?

At Ithaca College, all students will be able to use Taskstream for personal student produced presentation folios. Please contact Vince DeTuri at vdeturi@ithaca.edu ​​​​​​if you are interested in developing a program DRF in Taskstream. It takes time to develop the rubrics and structure for a program ePortfolio so new program DRFs will be available in the system at the start of every semester.


How do I access the Taskstream eportfolio?
Launch the Taskstream eportfolio through apps.ithaca.edu. You are automatically in the DRF for your incoming year.  

When does the eportfolio need to be completed?
The completion of the ICC portfolio is required to meet graduation requirements and must be completed in sufficient time to be reviewed. The reviewers will look for integration and reflection on all your college learning experiences. Use the eportfolio to demonstrate how you have achieved the learning outcomes for each component of the ICC, regardless of where they occurred. Once you have completed your eportfolio you may email ICCePortfolio@ithaca.edu to request a review. If any changes are needed you will receive an email with enough time to complete the revision request.

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Article ID: 165
Wed 9/20/17 4:46 PM
Thu 11/5/20 3:14 PM