How To: Forward Voice Mail to Email


An optional voice mail feature allows you to receive an email with an audio copy of any voice mail messages that callers leave on your campus telephone extension. This is useful when you are away from your campus telephone.


This optional voice mail feature allows you to receive an email with an audio copy of any voice mail messages that callers leave on your campus telephone extension. This is useful when you are away from your campus telephone.


This article is intended for faculty and staff with a voice mail account.

Voice Mail to Email

With the voice mail to email feature enabled for your existing voice mail account, whenever a caller leaves you a voice mail message on your campus extension, you will be sent an email message that contains an audio attachment of the voice mail message.

  • The original voice mail is retained as new in the voice mailbox, and the message indicator light on your office phone will remain lit until you access the voice mail system (4-1850) to delete or save the message.
  • The email and/or voice mail audio attachment can be saved like any other email message or attachment.

Similar to standard voice mail messages, email messages from the voice mail system will either be identified as a known caller from another campus extension or as a "Message from Unknown Sender" if the call originates from off campus.

Listening to the Audio Attachment

To play the audio attachment in your email:

  1. Double-click to open the WAV audio file within your email message. A pop-up dialog may request that a media player be selected.



Article ID: 264
Fri 12/8/17 12:16 PM
Tue 3/17/20 9:49 AM

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