Managing Expense Items


Expense Items are the transactions that will be included in your Expense Report. This article contains instructions on updating Expense Items for credit card charges and creating Expense Items for out-of-pocket expenses.




Expense Items are the transactions that will be included in your Expense Report. See below for instructions on updating Expense Items for credit card charges and manually creating Expense Items for out-of-pocket expenses and to report on International Travel.



This article is intended for all faculty and staff.



IC Finance Cloud



  • Updating Credit Card Transactions
  • Creating a Manual Expense Item (Out-of-Pocket or International Travel)



Updating Credit Card Transactions



Fig. 1 IC Finance Cloud home page, Me tab near top of screen, Expenses app in middle of screen under Apps


Purchases made using a Purchasing or Travel Card will be loaded automatically into IC Finance Cloud as Expense Items and will need to be updated by the cardholder or a delegate assigned by the cardholder.


To update Purchasing and Travel Credit Card charges:


1. On the IC Finance Cloud home page, click the Me tab, then click the Expenses app. 

2. On the left side of the Travel and Expenses screen, click the Expense (Wallet) icon. A list of outstanding IC purchasing and travel card expenses will be shown a the bottom of the screen. The last four digits of the corresponding card will be shown under the dollar amount for each transaction.

3. Click the Date at the left of the transaction line you would like to update. This will bring up a screen with transaction details. The Date, Expense Location, Amount, and Merchant Name fields will be pre-filled. The Template field should show as IC Travel & Expenses. The Athletic Travel template should only be used by Athletics.

4. Click to choose the appropriate Type of transaction from the dropdown list. You may be prompted for additional information based on the Type you select. For Lodging or Airfare, follow the itemization instructions below.

5. In the Attachments box on the right side of the screen, Click the link or click and drag an image file from your computer to attach the receipt for the transaction when required.

6. In the Description field, enter detailed information about the expense.

7. If the expense is travel-related, Click the + (Plus Sign)icon next to Authorization to select the associated Spend Authorization for this expense. Select the appropriate authorization item from the dropdown list and click OK. If this is a Lodging or Airfare expense, the Authorization field will appear under the Itemization section and needs to be completed for each item. You may skip this step if this is not a travel-related expense.

8. In the Account field, review the account code for accuracy and update if needed. The three-digit department code defaults to the employee HR Cloud assignment. The subcode defaults to an expense type that should match the Spend Authorization, though this may need to be changed. If your subcode does not match the expense line item, a warning will appear. Make sure that the account you are charging has sufficient funds to cover the expense item.

9. Some transactions may require additional information. Complete any additional fields marked with an Asterisk (*).

10. Click the Save and Close button in the top-right corner of the screen.



Creating a Manual Expense Item (Out-of-Pocket or International Travel)


If you make purchases using your own funds, you will need to manually create Expense Items to add to your Expense Report. Create only one Expense Item for each receipt. This item type is also used to report on International Travel (see below).


To create an Expense Item for an out-of-pocket expense:

  1. On the IC Finance Cloud home page, click the Me tab, then click the Expenses app. 

  1. On the left side of the Travel and Expenses screen, click the Expense (Wallet) icon.

  1. Click theCreate Itembutton.

  1. On the Create Expense Item screen, enter the date of the expense in the Date field. 

  1. The Template field should show as IC Travel & Expenses. The Athletic Travel template should only be used by Athletics. 

  1. From the Type dropdown list, selectyour expense type. Some expense types may require additional information. Please complete any additional fields that appear when selecting an expense type. See below for instructions on the International Travel expense type.

  1. From the Expense Location dropdown list, select the location of the expense. Search and select destination by city if in the United States or select search option to select another country. (NOTE: Your selection will default for any future Expense Items that you create until you make a different selection)

  1. Enter the dollar amount of the expense in the Amount field. Do Not Change from USD.

  1. In the Attachments box on the right side of the screen, Click the link or click and drag an image file from your computer to attach the receipt for the transaction when required.

  1. If you do not have a receipt for an expense requiring a receipt, click the Receipt Missing checkbox. This should be done ONLY if you absolutely cannot find the receipt. If you check this box, a Justification box will appear and you will be required to enter a reason.

  1. In the Description field, entera detailed description for the expense. 

  1. Enter the name of the vendor in the Merchant Name field. 

  1. If the expense is travel-related, Click the + (Plus Sign)icon next to Authorization to select the associated Spend Authorization for this expense. Select the appropriate authorization item from the dropdown list and click OK. You may skip this step if this is not a travel-related expense.

  1. To create additional expenses, click the Create Another button in the top-right corner of the screen and repeat steps 4 through 13. 

  1. When you are done creating Expense Items, click the Save and Close button in the top-right corner of the screen to return to the Travel and Expenses work area. 






Article ID: 837
Tue 5/5/20 3:31 PM
Thu 5/11/23 9:44 AM