Creating an Expense Report


Employees must complete an Expense Report for all Expense Items. The Expense Report is used to list and submit for approval a group of Expense Items (e.g. travel expenses associated with a particular trip), and issue any reimbursements for out-of-pocket spending. See below for instructions on how to create and submit an Expense Report.



Employees must complete an Expense Report for all Expense Items. The Expense Report is used to list and submit for approval a group of Expense Items (e.g. travel expenses associated with a particular trip), and issue any reimbursements for out-of-pocket spending. See below for instructions on how to create and submit an Expense Report.



This article is intended for all faculty and staff.



IC Finance Cloud



Creating an Expense Report


Fig. 1 IC Finance Cloud home page, Me tab near top of screen, Expenses app in middle of screen under Apps


To create an Expense Report and attach expense items:


1. On the IC Finance Cloud home page, click theMe tab, then click the Expenses app. 

2. On the left side of the Travel and Expenses screen, click the Expenses (Wallet) icon.

3. Click the Create Report button. 

4. On the Create Expense Report page, in the Purpose field, enterthe reason for the associated expense(s) (conference, recruitment, research, professional meeting, etc.) For travel and events, please include the following:

  • Traveler Name
  • Conference or Event Name
  • Travel Location
  • Travel Dates

5. Click theSave button. A number will be generated for the Expense Report, starting with EX (displayed in the upper left of the screen). 

6. Click the Add Existing button to see available expense items. These can be added by clicking to highlight one item at a time or using Ctrl+click to select more than one. Click Apply, then click Ok to add the selected expenses to the report. 

7. Verify that all items are accurate. Confirm all receipts are attached where required. Attachments are indicated by a paper icon in the Attachments column with a number indicating the number of attachments.

8. If any errors appear on an expense line, click on the Date for the expense to open the expense item and view error details. Correct any errors before proceeding to the next step. 

9. For each item in the Expense Report, review account numbers for accuracy and verify funds availability. An Expense Report cannot be submitted if funding is not available. 

10. When you are ready to complete your Expense Report, click the checkbox next to “I have read and accept the corporate travel and expense policies” and click the Submit button. If you receive a confirmation message, your work is complete. If the Apply Cash Advances box appears, complete the next step.

11. If you have any open cash advance requests, the Apply Cash Advances box will appear. Click the checkbox next to the cash advance that applies to your expense report, or next to "Don't apply a cash advance" if none of those listed apply to your report. Click Apply and Submit button to complete your work.




Article ID: 839
Wed 5/6/20 3:12 PM
Wed 11/1/23 9:08 AM