Who is the Audience for this Service?
This service is intended for all active users of Ithaca College learning management systems. (Students, Faculty, Staff, and Affiliates)
What is this Service?
This service is for Canvas assistance, for the following requests:
Requesting Non-Course Canvas Site (New Canvas Course)
Courses in Canvas are units of instruction in one subject that typically last one term. Course sections in Homer will be automatically generated for all semesters, beginning with Fall 2021. In Canvas click on the Course or Dashboard button in the blue navigation bar, to see your courses.
Screening Guidance for Non-Course, Instructional Canvas Site
Canvas sites are generally reserved for named, identified courses created as part of the official course schedule. However, under some circumstances, the creation of a Canvas site might be created for instructional purposes beyond scheduled courses with CRNs. Requests for such sites are screened by a task group of the LMS Governance Committee and will be evaluated using the following criteria.
Sites should be used for instructional purposes, for example, serve a cohort of students who may not be concurrently registered for a course in common but who are sharing an academic experience (e.g., a cumulative project such as a graduate or senior project, a field-based or clinical experience not associated with a CRN, modules that are required for training in the major, such as safety training, etc., that may not be associated with a specific CRN but that are required and instructional)
Sites should be more than a repository of documents/resources and rely on the collaborative and learning tools of an LMS (e.g., discussion forums, tests/quizzes, rubrics, and assignment/project feedback).
In order to request the creation of a Canvas site for instructional purposes, requestors should complete the Request a New Canvas Course form. Please provide as much detail as possible including the name of the course, who the owner/instructor will be, the purpose of the course, and a detailed description outlining the needs and impact.
Requesting a Canvas Guest Account
All Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students have an account in Canvas in order to access assigned courses and coursework. In unique situations, a Guest Account may be needed for a non-Ithaca College user. In order to have a Guest Account in Canvas, the individual will need an IC Affiliate account. If the Guest Account is granted, IT will submit the paperwork for an IC Affiliate Account on behalf of the Requestor and an IC email address will be created on behalf of the Guest.
Screening Guidance for Canvas Guest Account
Canvas course sites are generally reserved for named, identified instructors and students. However, under some instructional circumstances, a Guest may need access to a Canvas site. Requests for a Guest Account are screened by a task group of the LMS Governance Committee and will be evaluated using the following criteria.
A Guest Account should be granted for instructional purposes, for example, a guest instructor who is not an Ithaca College employee and is teaching a course in Canvas. Note a Guest Account is needed when the guest instructor needs access to confidential course information for instructional purposes such as Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes, and Gradebook.
In order to request a Guest Account in Canvas, a Department Chair, Director, or Associate Dean should complete the Request a Canvas Guest Account form. In the form, please provide as much detail as possible including the name of the individual, address, phone number, non-IC email, gender, and start date, the name of the Course, and the CRN (if available).
Canvas Cross Linking URLs
This service is to add additional URL(links) into your canvas course