Request Ithaca Wi-Fi Assistance

Who is the Audience for this Service?

This service is intended for all users of Ithaca College systems. (Students, Faculty, Staff, Retirees, Alumni and Affiliates)

What is this Service?

This service is for Wi-Fi related issues, for these offerings:

  • Request Network, Internet and Wi-Fi Assistance (Ithaca College Wi-Fi): This service is to provide assistance with on campus related network issues, Ex. "Ithaca College"  Wi-Fi
  • Request Student Internet Assistance (Apogee/ MyResNet): This service is used to provide assistance with our on-campus housing Wi-Fi (The Networks that this service would support are: "MyResNet-5G" and "MyResNet-2G") 
Request Network, Internet and Wi-Fi Assistance (Ithaca College Wi-Fi) Request Student Internet Assistance (Apogee/ MyResNet)


Service ID: 257
Thu 8/8/24 10:40 AM
Wed 8/14/24 1:11 PM

Service Offerings (2)

Request Network, Internet and Wi-Fi Assistance (Ithaca College Wi-Fi)
Request help with network, internet and Wi-Fi (other than Apogee ResNet)
Request Student Internet Assistance (Apogee/ MyResNet)
This service is to provide assistance with Student residence hall internet and provide Wi-Fi Information