Request Canvas Assistance

Who is the Audience for this Service?

This service is intended for all active users of Ithaca College learning management systems. (Students, Faculty, Staff, and Affiliates)

What is this Service?

This service is for Canvas assistance for the following requests: 

General Canvas Assistance, including but not limited to: 

  • Help learning to use Canvas 
  • Help with course configuration/settings 
  • Grading and assessment in Canvas 

Canvas Administrative Assistance, in particular: 

  1. Requesting a New / Non-Course Canvas Course 
  2. Requesting a Canvas Guest Account 
  3. Requesting Instructor access to a Canvas course 
  4. Cross-Listing (Combining Multiple Sections of) a Canvas Course 

General Canvas Assistance 

Use this service to request assistance with: 

  • Learning to use Canvas 
  • Configuring your course settings 
  • Setting up your grading and assessments 
  • Troubleshooting issues 
  • Optimizing your course layout for students 
  • Any other issues related to using Canvas at IC 

Canvas Administrative Assistance 

  1. Requesting a Non-Credit Canvas Course 

Use the Administrative Assistance form to request a course for instructional purposes beyond scheduled courses with CRNs. 

For more information, visit the following Knowledge Base article – Requesting a Non-Credit Canvas Course.  

  1. Requesting a Canvas Guest Account 

All Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students have an account in Canvas in order to access assigned courses and coursework. In unique situations, a Guest Account may be needed for a non-Ithaca College user. To obtain a Guest Account in Canvas, the individual will need an IC Affiliate account. If the Guest Account is granted, IT will submit the paperwork for an IC Affiliate Account on behalf of the Requestor and an IC email address will be created on behalf of the Guest. 

For more information, visit the following Knowledge Base article: Request a Canvas Guest Account 

  1. Granting Access to a Canvas Course 

Sometimes Ithaca College instructors or other IC Canvas users may need access to a Canvas course not assigned to them. For more information, please read the Knowledge Base article: Granting Access to a Canvas course. 

  1. Cross-Listing (Combining Multiple Sections of) a Canvas Course 

Cross-listing in Canvas is the combination of two or more sections into a single Canvas course. Instructor reasons to cross-list may include: 

  • Teaching multiple sections of the same course 
  • A single course that is listed in two departments 
  • A course listed as both undergraduate and graduate 

For more information, please read the following article about Cross-Listing Courses in Canvas  

Request General Canvas Assistance Request Canvas Administrative Assistance

Related Articles (5)

This article provide information on whom to contact if you are trying to access Canvas and you are not registered as an IC student.
This article provides information for a non-IC student, faculty, or staff member to request a Guest Account in Canvas for an Ithaca College Affiliate member.
This article explains what cross listing is in the context of Canvas (combining sections into a single course site), effects of cross-listing a course, and how to request if faculty want to proceed.
This article is about requesting a non-credit course in Canvas.

Service Offerings (2)

Request General Canvas Assistance
This is to request assistance with Canvas
Request Canvas Administrative Assistance
This service is to request assistance with requesting non-canvas site courses, canvas guest account, and cross-linked canvas URLs.